Here are some pics of a couple of my current projects.  One is a Centipede restoration, the other is a 3/4" scale Gottlieb cabinet (modeled after my Mad Planets) as a MAME cab for my oldest kid (3.5yr).

Neither is 100% complete yet, but I hope to have the Centipede finished next week.  The MiniPlanets will be a little longer.  When complete I will have dedicated webpages up for both projects.




3/4 scale Gottlieb MAME cabinet
paint is Rustoleum "sunburst yellow" gloss enamel
all the interior panels (speaker board, front panel, top, back, etc) will be black.


This project isn't as far along as the Centipede.

14" PC monitor installed
entire rear panel removable for service


A single slot coin mech (similar to Nintendo) will be installed in the cab, no dedicated coin button planned right now.


sideart - I received a quote from Michael at for the entire artwork package I want.  The quote seems pretty reasonable, I just need to finish the cp and bezel art and send it out.  Thanks to all the vector artists for submitting your work to the library!

click for larger image



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