Coin Doors


I was fortunate that the Star Wars cabinet had a nice over under style coin door. I removed the heavy coin drawer inside since that was where my pc was to be housed. Testing it with my machine inside, it fit perfectly inside and allowed me free rein to the power button, the dvd player and the cd. The coin doors didn't have any locks on them. A quick trip to the hardware store solved that problem.

Nice view of the PC inside the bottem coin door.

You can see the faint glow of the illuminated coin door buttons and the newly installed key locks.

Wiring the Coin Doors

I decided to only wire one coin door for player one. Most of the time, my guests will be using the left and right pinball flipper buttons to coin in. This was done quite easily by taking the middle mouse button input from the trackball and splicing it on to the hook ups on the coin door. One problem I had however was that when a coin was inserted into the mechanism, it would have to fall a certain distance before hitting the microswitch. This posed a serious problem because most of the time it would not fall directly through and deflect off a piece of metal. I solved this in a very rudimentary way but no one is going to see it so why not? I just made paper chutes for the coins that guided them down toward the proper switch. Since the player two coin door is not wired up (I will do it eventually), I made a chute that automatically rejected the coins inserted on that side to the coin return bay.

I also took another shortcut with lighting up the coin door lights. Instead of wiring them up to a power supply, I just replaced them with some christmas bulb lights and plugged this directly into my powerbar.

This is a picture of the paper chutes so the coins would hit the microswitch. In this picture, the coin doors don't have the lights installed.

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