XRX Animated Logo Utility

The XRX Logo Utility is shareware. You can evaluate it for 30 days: after that time, you must register it or remove it from your system. The registration fee is 10$ US and will be valid for all the future versions of the program. When you register, you'll be sent the latest registered version, along with a registration information file that will enable future releases.

Payment Method Media Format Fee ($US)
Cheque or Money Order payable to 'XrX Computer Applications' (See below for mailing address) E-Mail Delivery $10
Diskette $15
(Includes $5 Shipping / Handling)
Credit Card order through Regnet (The registration fee in this case is $15 US to cover the additional fees)
E-Mail Delivery
(Includes $5 Shipping / Handling)


If paying by Cheque or Money Order:
Please make your Cheque or Money Order payable to 'XRX Computer Applications'. While US Funds are preferable for customers outside the US or Canada, we do accept other currencies. Please convert from the US $ amount using the exchange rate as of the date on your Cheque or Money Order. Please do NOT send Cash.
Please include the following information with your registration:
  • Name
  • Company
  • Mailing Address
  • E-Mail Address
  • Media Choice (E-Mail, 3 1/2 or 5 1/4 Diskette)
Click Here for a form you can fill out and print.
Mail your registration to: XRX Computer Applications
P.O. Box 1542, Station M
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3B9

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Last Updated : April 25, 2005
Copyright © 1995-2001, Karl McMurdo