MAMEWAH v1.61 (02/02/05) Bugs Fixed: New versions of WinIPAC would not work correctly with MAMEWAH (fixed), 'Auto-Exit' countdown would go 5-4-3-2-1-5 if another error occurred immediately after first error (fixed), Error would occur when using movie screen-saver if movie_path missing or invalid (fixed), {cursor} flags used in app_x_commandline_format's would not work correctly when used with the auto_launch_apps option (fixed), Artwork objects #2-10 would appear in front of games list if used/overlapped (fixed). Improvements: MAMEWAH now programs IPAC (via WinIPAC) with mamewah_ipc_file on startup. MAMEWAH v1.6 (final) (18/01/05) (no changes, except documentation & official release) MAMEWAH v1.6b9 (17/01/05) Bugs Fixed: Runtime Error 91 would occur continuously if bad movie file was used in movie screen-saver (fixed), Problems would occur if emuname strings contained parts of other emuname's (eg snes & nes) (fixed), If current_list was set to a no. which did not exist, blank list would appear (fixed - now defaults to main list), Layout would not be displayed correctly if games list with corrupt .lst file was selected upon startup (fixed). Improvements: Added remember_current_game option to mamewah.ini (setting this to 0 selects first game in all lists upon startup), Removed play_music_during_emulation option in favour of {music} & {nomusic} commandline_format flags ({nomusic} is default if unspecified), Removed mouse_cursor option in favour of {cursor}, {nocursor} & {cursor filename} commandline_format flags ({nocursor} is default if unspecified), Added 5 second auto-exit after error occurs in case of unescapable error. MAMEWAH v1.6b8 (10/01/05) Bugs Fixed: keyboard_led_states order was incorrect under Win98 (fixed), Current game selected in most_played and longest_played lists would incorrectly change after running game (fixed), Wallpaper may not have been hidden (fixed), Space required after {dosbox} and/or {safelaunch} flag(s) if placed prior to [regular] flags (fixed), Shutdown when exiting did not work in Win2k (fixed). Improvements: Added info to log when rom_path and emulator_executable does not exist (when trying to run a game), Added info to log to indicate games lists read, Added safe_mode option to mamewah.ini (setting to 1 prevents changing wallpaper/cursors, hiding desktop icons/taskbar), Added app_to_run_on_exit option to mamewah.ini, Added 'run_app' exit action and EXIT_AND_RUN_APP input event (ctrlr files), Added game_specific_config_path to emuname.ini for game-specific commandlines, Added code to ensure name, cloneof & romof are in uppercase (in case external app/script generates .lst file in lowercase). MAMEWAH v1.6b7 (05/01/05) Bugs Fixed: Cursor may not disappear on some Win98 systems (fixed). Improvements: Picking an emulator or custom list from the menu which is already currently selected now hides options menu, Added system info to mamewah.log, Renamed 'Select Emulator' menu to 'Select Platform' (easier for non-geeks to understand ;) ), Improved {8.3} flag to work without [rompath] and/or [romext]. MAMEWAH v1.6b6 (02/01/05) Bugs Fixed: Screensavers / wrappers may not have launch correctly (fixed), Potential problem when using alt_launch_method (fixed), Emulator-specific music may have started after game launched (fixed), Occasional Runtime Error 91 from CTRLR_FinaliseDI (fixed). Improvements: Improved some code for the transition between game / MAMEWAH, Replaced send_rom_path setting with [rompath] commandline_format flag, Replaced send_rom_extension setting with [romext] commandline_format flag, Removed quotes_around_romnames (this can be achieved in commandline_format by adding "'s), Replaced long_filenames setting with {8.3string} flag (where string=rom filename), Replaced show_dos_box setting with {dosbox}, {nodosbox} and {autodosbox} flags, Replaced alt_launch_method setting with {safelaunch} and {nosafelaunch} flags. MAMEWAH v1.6b5 (13/12/04) Bugs Fixed: If the no. games in a 'favorites' list was below the max_favorites value then the games list would be incorrectly populated with blank spaces/games (fixed), If mouse_cursor default was set, incorrect (larger) cursor will have been used (fixed), Runtime Error 53 - File not found may occur for various reasons (fixed). MAMEWAH v1.6b4 (07/12/04) Bugs Fixed: Runtime Error 91 may have occured in Music_Play (fixed), Emulator/list specific ctrlr files may not have been used when switching emulator/list using shortcuts (fixed), Keyboard LED feature didn't work in Win98 (fixed). Improvements: Added some more info to mamewah.log. MAMEWAH v1.6b3 (06/12/04) Bugs Fixed: System cursors would not necessarily be restored on quitting MAMEWAH (fixed), Runtime Error 445 may have occurred in Movie_Play (fixed), Slideshow screen-saver broken (fixed), Using music rewind / fast-forward feature may have caused error (fixed), Using up/down 1 letter shortcuts may have caused error (fixed). Improvements / Changes: Renamed transparent.ico to transparent.cur, Added MAMEWAH version info to .ini files, Added play_music_during_emulation option. MAMEWAH v1.6b2 (23/11/04) Bugs Fixed: Add game to custom list would cause Run Time Error 13 & potentially further problems (fixed), Strange results would occur if left mouse button mapped to anything (fixed), Some emulators would launch but either not be visible or not have focus (fixed - alt_launch_method added), Mouse cursor invisible but required for certain emulators (fixed - mouse_cursor added). MAMEWAH v1.6b1 (18/11/04) Bugs Fixed: Error would occur on list generation (& custom lists wouldn't work) if no .FTR files were present (fixed), Inputs would occasionally be missed while Options menu is open (fixed), SELECT_EMULATOR shortcut did not work correctly (fixed), Invalid inputs would sometimes be registered and cause strange results, particularly when keyboard, mouse & joystick were enabled (fixed). Improvements: Added system files check on startup, Added 'sort' of emunames on startup to prevent ordering issues with different OS's/settings, Improved DirectX release/capturing while emulators/apps are launched/quit, Improved transition when starting/quitting MAMEWAH (hopefully quicker & smoother, particularly if using intro/exit sounds), Removed brief Message form visibility after quitting game, MAMEWAH is now hidden while switching resolutions for cleaner look, Added code to temporarily hide wallpaper, set desktop to black, make mouse cursor transparent and hide desktop icons (hide taskbar already in place) to avoid any of these becoming visible, Improved code to retain focus after quitting emulator/app, Increased coverage of error handling, Added proper handling of bad image, sound, music & movie files (see mamewah.log), Cleaned up, improved and re-organised entire code, Added keyboard_led_states option to control keyboard LED's while in the MAMEWAH, Added rom_folder_subfolders list_generation_method, for emulators requiring roms/disk images to be placed in folders, Added commandline_format, alt_commandline_format_1 & alt_commandline_format_2 in place of default_options, extra_options_1 & extra_options_2, Replaced wrapper_options with wrapper_commandline_format, Added list-specific commandline_format, alt_commandline_format_1 & alt_commandline_format_2 settings, Added appxlaunch and appxexit sound events (where x is 1, 2 or 3), Added indication to 'Select Games List' dialog to indicate when relevant ini file is missing, Added 'Music Options' menu, Added 'Launch External Applications' menu, Movie previews are no longer played while Options menu is open, Movie previews are no longer played while external app(s) are open, Added movie_fullscreen option, to allow screen-saver to play movies in normal artwork box (also enables music track name to be displayed), Added 2 second delay between movies in movie screen-saver, Added run_random_game_and_quit screen-saver type and quit_delay option, Added power_saving screen-saver type. MAMEWAH v1.52 (21/10/04) Bugs Fixed: LCD Display feature did not work! (fixed), Mouse & joystick navigation sensisitivity slightly different for each direction on axis (fixed), OP_MENU_BACK input may cease working, and subsequently all inputs stop working (fixed) Emulator-specific music would start after switching emulator even if enable_music 0 (fixed), Preview movie for selected game would not play after list generation (fixed), Runtime Error 445 would occur if movie clip had no audio (fixed), Problem would occur when using DAT files which use quotes around certain values (fixed), longest_played lists wouldn't work (Runtime Error 28 & hang) (fixed), Selected game may change after refreshing games list (fixed), MAMEWAH would appear to hang when launching MAME for the first time on some systems (fixed), Using WinIPAC feature may have resulted in strange results (fixed), Screen-saver form specific shortcut inputs would not work (fixed), Music track related shortcut inputs would not work on options / screen-saver form (fixed), In slideshow screen-saver, the first image to be displayed (the second or more time the saver is launched) may be displayed for too little time (fixed), Screen-saver may have kicked in too soon after generating list (fixed), File access problem causes crash (Run Time Error 70 or 75) (Windows 98) (fixed?). Improvements: Improved emulator launching so that powering PC down will cleanly quit emulator and MAMEWAH, 'PC' emulator_executable no longer case sensitive, Added 'PROGRAM ERROR!' notification when an error occurs (execution can attempt to continue or quit), All input devices are now released prior to launching emulators/apps/scr screensavers, and re-acquired on return to avoid potential input problems, Removed controls.dat viewer specific support...(see below), Added ability to launch up to 3 external applications, either by shortcut (input) or automatically prior to emulator launch. MAMEWAH v1.51 (20/09/04) Bugs Fixed: 'keep_movie_preview_aspect 0' would not work (fixed), Run Time Error 52 may occur for various reasons (fixed), Run Time Error 91 may occur for various reasons (fixed), If the blank screen saver was launched by fault (eg if a scr screensaver was not found) then it would be un-exitable (fixed), If the blank screen saver was launched by fault and 'enable_music_in_screensaver 0', music would incorrectly continue (fixed), Screen saver would sometimes launch right after a game was quit (fixed), 'show_dos_box auto' would not work with certain list_generation_method's (fixed), Emulator-specific music would not work (fixed), Clone info would not be removed from games added to a list with 'display_clone_info 0' set (fixed), Games may not have been correctly added to most_played / longest_played custom lists (fixed), Preview movie may not have played after switching emulators (fixed), Main form would disappear leaving options menu visible when exiting via menu (fixed), Closing options menu (if above a movie preview) would cause part of movie to be cut off (fixed), Holding up/down at top/bottom of list would cause image(s) not to update (but movie does) (fixed), Screensaver may have attempted to kick in while or after 'exit' sound was playing (fixed), controls_dat_viewer_options would be added twice to commandline (fixed), Big font / crashing problem (Run Time Error 13) with regional settings which use ',' as decimal seperator or non-English language setting (fixed at last!), Un-neccessary refreshment of current game images/text when activating (non-used) input (fixed). Improvements: Made Options menu disappear after generating custom lists, as per previous versions, Adjusted initialisation sequence for a 'cleaner' look, Ctrlr files now accept regular pipe '|' as well as '¦', Hiphens (-) may now be used in 'emuname's, Changed screensaver delay unit to seconds for increased accuracy (UPDATE YOUR MAMEWAH.INI FILE!!), DirectSound is now fully released when launching a game/scr saver/wrapper in order to prevent problems with DOS apps, Settings in ini files (excl. ctrlr) are no longer case-sensitive, Improved 'show_dos_box auto' to show box if roms have bad checksums, Improved keep_movie_preview_aspect to allow for correct game aspect ratio (nb dependant on movie_artwork_no and keep_image_aspect, thanks Howard_C :) ), Removed 'Select Emulator' option from menu when 0-1 emulators exist, Removed 'Select Games List' option from menu when 0-1 games lists exist, Removed 'Find Game' and 'Select Random Game' options from menu when 0-1 games exist, Removed (Games List Options > ) 'Add Game to List' and 'Remove Game from List' options from menu when no games exist. MAMEWAH v1.5 (07/09/04) Bugs Fixed: Using '&' in 'Emulator Title' or 'Game List Title' would result in title being incorrectly displayed (fixed), Hitting exit button with 'Default Exit Button Action' set to 'Give Choice' would not work (fixed), Hitting exit key >once would play exit sound >once (fixed), Artwork sizes/aspect ratios may have been incorrect with certain layouts (fixed), Images may not have been displayed if files were present in the image folder, with the same filename but different extension (fixed), Sounds may not have been played if files were present in the image folder, with the same filename but different extension (fixed), Some external screensavers may have caused MAMEWAH to return non-fullscreen and/or without focus (fixed), Hitting keys while waiting for game list refresh / custom list generation may have (unwanted) delayed effect (fixed), Windows 98 sound issues (fixed?), Apparently random Run Time Error 62 caused by corrupted FAV, FTR or CFG files (fixed?). Improvements (/Changes): Removed 'Artwork #1 Filename to Replace with Romname' option, Removed 'Task Switching' option, Removed About box, Revamped options menu entirely, removing most options except navigation options and list generation / filtration features, Added 'Find Game' option for easily searching out games, Improved options menu refresh to reduce (remove?) flickering while scrolling, Added broadcasting giving MAMEWAH's main form caption in the format 'MAMEWAH - Emulator Title: Game Description (ROMNAME)', Replace 'debug.log' with 'mamewah.log', to record games launched, reason for (cleanly) quitting and (some) errors encountered, Replaced 'emu?' file system (layouts, configs, lists, ctrlr files, filters & favorites) to new 'emuname' system, Updated /e commandline switch to accept emulator name, Replaced .CFG file system with new .INI system, which will auto-update with future versions of MAMEWAH, Removed 50 emulator limit (to 32,767!), Removed 50 game list limit (to 32,767!), List-specific sounds may now be used, Added two new List Generation Methods to work with MAME v0.84+ ('-listinfo' removed from MAME), Added ability to 'filter' lists with no filters available, in order to remove (clone) [rom info] - just hit 'Generate Custom List using Filters' to apply it, Made old 'Display Clone Info' feature custom list specific, Added LCD display support, Emulator-specific .SCR screensavers may now be used, Emulator-specific music can now be used, Added 'Max Favorites' feature for custom lists, Added movie support for screensaver, intro/exit movies and game movie previews, Created a new ctrlr ini file input system to handle more events, mulitple input mapping, simutaneous key/input presses, mouse & joystick support, Menu lock 'hold for 3 seconds' removed (use multiple inputs instead), Removed Default Exit Button Action option (due to new input system, see below), Added several hotkey/input shortcuts - see \mamewah\ctrlr\default.ini for full details, Added 'wrap_list' feature which enabled wrapping of the games list & options menu while navigating, Probably some things I have forgotten - see the new \docs folder for documentation. MAMEWAH v0.97 (15/05/04) Bugs Fixed: First item in Games List/Options List may have been placed 'under' artwork image(s) if list overlapped image (fixed), Aspect ratio 'fix' in vertical modes (eg 240x320) stretches image(s) incorrectly (fixed), 'Add Game to Custom List' option would appear even if no games were in the current list (fixed), If artwork image was missing (Artwork #2-10) then 'no snap' image would not be used in Slide-Show screen-saver (fixed), Music files placed in subfolders of subfolders etc. would not be used (fixed). Improvements: Entering 'PC' as Emulator Executable now makes the Emulator Title 'PC Games' by default, Added 'Use Quotes around ROM Filenames' option, Added 'Controls.dat Viewer Filename' option, Added 'Controls.dat Viewer Default Options' option, Added 'Launch Controls.dat Viewer before Game' option, Moved 'Refresh Games List' option to bottom of menu to prevent accidental operation, Removed 'Select Custom Lists to Cycle' option, Added 'Cycle Main List' option, Added 'Enable Event Sounds' option, Added 'Default Exit Button Action' option, Added 'MAMEWAH IPC Filename' option for default key-mappings, Added 'Last IPC File Programmed' in MAMEWAH.CFG to avoid un-neccessary programming, Increased no. Emulators to 50, Increased no. Custom Lists to 50, Improved Slide-Show to maximise images displayed in Artwork #2-10, WMA sound/music files now supported, Changed /? commandline switch to /e?, where ?=emulator no. 1-50, Added /l? commandline switch, where ?=custom list no. 0-50, Improved layout system to allow custom list specific layouts, Replaced the 'Cycle Emulator' shortcut key with 'Next Emulator', Added 'Previous Emulator' shortcut key, Replaced the 'Cycle Game List' shortcut key with 'Next Game List', Added 'Previous Game List' shortcut key, Added 'Launch Controls.dat Viewer' shortcut key, Improved 'Display Clone Info (in Custom Lists)' filtering to remove [square bracketed] info. MAMEWAH v0.963 (16/12/03) Bugs Fixed: MAMEWAH would sometimes crash after playing a game (fixed), Making the Games List/Options List invisible (using the Layout Designer) would not work within MAMEWAH (list would still be visible) (fixed), Making all Artwork objects (Main/Screensaver) invisible (using the Layout Designer) would not work within MAMEWAH (artwork(s) would still be visible) (fixed), 'Add Game to Custom List' shortcut key would work even with menu locked (fixed), Hitting P2 Start with 'Add Game to Custom List' dialog, having hit shortcut key would back out into menu (fixed), Slide Show Screen-Saver would crash if image not available for game selected by saver (fixed). MAMEWAH v0.962 (09/10/03) Bugs Fixed: MAMEWAH would sometimes be restricted to a small box in the top-left corner after playing a game (or 2) (fixed), PC Application list generation would not work (fixed), Clones may not launch if within merged romset(s) (fixed), Music did not stop playing when .SCR screen-saver launched (fixed), Emulators with 'long' paths may not work (fixed), Image filenames with extension '.jpeg' would not work (fixed). Improvements (/Changes): Added 'Correct M.A.M.E.'s Orientations' option, Color Depth & Refresh Rate can be specified by layout, Altered input system to improve operation with encoder using key-repeat (or keyboard) - most noticable in menu lock, Improved speed of launching games (slowed down slightly in v0.96), Added auto-fix of MAME -listfull's incorrect (bugged) game descriptions beginning with '(text)' (eg '(Status) Triv Two'), Removed auto-deletion of old .CFG files (attempt to stop .CFG file corruption), 'Classic 640x480' layout is now used even if .LAY file is not available. MAMEWAH v0.96 (23/09/03) Bugs Fixed: Trailing letters in options menu items may be cut off / incorrectly abbreviated (fixed), NMS Files may not work depending on rom / NMS name case (fixed), Message confirmation of game removal would display incorrect game description (fixed), Removing the last (only) game in custom list would cause crash (fixed), Using sound files would sometimes not allow MAMEWAH to exit (Win98) (fixed?). Improvements (/Changes): Automatic image aspect ratio 'fix' altered to work with any resolution not at ratio of 4:3 (previously only worked correctly at 640x288), 'Windows' style border removed from Options, Message and About screens (to allow for custom borders/graphics), 'Add Game to Custom List' option can now be used from a custom list (ie not just from the main list), Added 'Add Game to Custom List' customisable key (default key is 'Z'), Added 'Skip to Next Music Track' customisable key (default key is [Space]), Added 'Exit MAMEWAH' customisable key (default key is [Escape]), Slight change to layout system background image filenames (see Layouts.txt for details), Altered sound effect support to be emulator / layout specific (see Layouts.txt for details), Added version check when opening .CFG files to avoid crashes (due to old versions being used), Added Lock State to the saved MAMEWAH.CFG, so the menu is locked/unlocked on next startup, Added 'No. Emulators to Display' option (& altered the P2 Coin next emulator code accordingly), Added 'No. Custom Lists to Display' option, Renamed 'Only if parent is broken' clone filter to 'Only if better than Parent' and improved to take into account imperfect / preliminary color & sound as well as preliminary driver status, 'ROM Folder vs Listinfo (M.A.M.E.)' List Generation Method now includes MAME -listfull's naming system (ie 'The ' appears at end). Added 'Verifysets vs Listinfo (M.A.M.E.)' List Generation Method (for merged roms), Added ROM verification before screen-saver game launch to prevent games with missing/bad ROMs being launched (M.A.M.E only - List Generation Method must be set to 'ROM Folder vs Listinfo (M.A.M.E.)' or 'Verifysets vs Listinfo (M.A.M.E.)'), Fixed 'Auto Show' Show DOS Box setting (& renamed to 'Auto Show (M.A.M.E.)'), Added 'Custom List Type' option to enable auto-generation of 'favorites' list(s), Set default refresh rate to 60Hz and color depth to 16 bit (since these are not specified by layout). MAMEWAH v0.955b (11/08/03) Bugs Fixed: 'Select Customs Lists to Cycle' settings would be shown as 'True'/'False' rather than 'Yes'/'No' (fixed), Using commas in Custom List names would result in crash (fixed), Non-image files in 'Artwork' paths could cause blank image to be displayed when image files do exist (fixed), Creating Custom List using Filters would result incorrectly with no games if no CatVer.ini file was used (fixed), Appearance problem when '\LAYOUTS' folder doesn't exist (fixed), NMS and CatVer.ini files would not work with 'ROM Folder Only' List Generation Method (fixed), Spaces either side of '|' in NMS file would cause malfunction (fixed), Text not intended to be visible could sometimes be seen straight after launching MAMEWAH (fixed), Hitting an exit option >once would result in Exit Sound being played >once, & thus excessive delay exiting (fixed), Exiting before Intro Sound had finished playing could cause music to play after MAMEWAH had quit (fixed), 'Clear Current Custom List' option could result in crash if games list had not been generated (refreshed) (fixed). Improvements (/Changes): Removed 'Movie Path' and 'Movie Size' options since movie screen-saver was removed, Artwork Images will now update if Emulator Executable (& Artwork #1 Path) have changed when LST file already exists, 'Select Custom Lists to Cycle' setting changes to 'Yes' for custom list upon adding game, Added commandline switch /1-20 where 1-20 refers to the emulator to select upon launch, Added 'Default Exit Action' option, Improved 'Slide Show' screen-saver so that images are not shown >once until all snaps have been displayed, Improved music playing feature so that music files are not played >once until all files have been played, Added 'Sound / Music Volume (%)' option, MAMEWAH.CFG & EMU?.CFG file formatting improved, Automatic image aspect ratio 'fix' when using a vertical resolution of 288 (so images do not appear stretched), Minor naming / ordering changes in Options menu. MAMEWAH v0.954b (21/07/03) Bugs Fixed: 'Display Clones' filter broken (fixed), Installer wouldn't work in Win98 (fixed - Movie screen-saver removed). MAMEWAH v0.953b (17/07/03) Bugs Fixed: Screen Refresh rate changing to 60Hz after exiting MAMEWAH (Windows 2000 & XP) (fixed - at long last!), Incorrect resolution after executing some wrappers / PC Exe's (fixed), P2 Start would not show MP3 name during screen-saver, if screen-saver defaulted to 'Blank Screen' due to an error (fixed), Menu lock sometimes comes on after playing game for no apparent reason (fixed), Games with empty category would incorrectly appear in (category) filtered list (fixed), If the '&' character was included in a setting, it would be displayed as "_" in the options menu (fixed), 'Generate Custom List using Filters' menu would sometimes be empty, but with highlight if no filters existed (fixed), 'Generate Custom List using Filters' menu would sometimes contain the 'Display Clones' filter, even if it wasn't possible to filter by clones (fixed), 'NO BIOS' Bios Filter would sometimes not work correctly (fixed). Improvements: MID & WAV music files supported as well as MP3's, 'MP3 Path' option renamed to 'Music Path' 'Play MP3's While Browsing' option renamed to 'Play Music While Browsing', 'Play MP3's During Screen-Saver' option renamed to 'Play Music During Screen-Saver', MP3 (music) playing now includes subfolders within the 'Music Path', Added 'Movie Show' screen-saver type, Added Emulator specific 'Screen-Saver Type's, Added 'Select Custom Lists to Cycle' option, Added 'WINIPAC Filename' option (for re-programming IPAC inputs), Added 'IPC Filename / Path' option for IPAC key config files (each emulator / PC application), Entering empty/incorrect filenames/paths now deletes the entry, Changed 'Stretch Snapshot Images' option to 'Keep Image Aspect Ratio', Altered the above option to include the logo image, Added new structured 'LAYOUTS' subfolders, to make sharing layouts/images easier *, Image filenames in layout files now MUST reside in the correct layout folder and be named correctly * 'Logo Image Filename' setting removed *, 'No Snap Image Filename' setting removed *, Added artwork # specific 'No Snap' image support *, Added layout specific Logo and 'No Snap' image support *, Added emulator specific layout support, Change of layouts now takes effect immediately, 'BIOS' Snapshot now displayed if parent & clone images are missing. * See '[MAMEWAH-PATH]\LAYOUTS\Layouts.txt' for more details MAMEWAH v0.952b (30/06/03) Bugs Fixed: 'Artwork #1 Filename to Replace with Romname' would not accept '?' wildcard (fixed), 'Emulator Executable' would not allow 'PC' to be entered (fixed), Using no 'No Snap' image would result in the last available image being displayed (as opposed to no image) (fixed), 'Generate Custom List using Filters' options may cause MAMEWAH to crash (fixed), Re-mapped P1 Start and P2 Start controls would not work correctly in Options menu (fixed), Long 'Emulator Executable' paths/filenames would not work (Windows 2000) (Fixed). Improvements: Core changes which *may* improve speed, particularly in Windows 98, Altered default 'List Generation Method' to 'ROM Folder vs Listinfo (M.A.M.E.)'. MAMEWAH v0.951b (11/06/03) Bugs Fixed: Allowance of '/'s instead of '\'s in paths/filenames (fixed), Artwork images can be hidden by background image (fixed), Clearing current custom list before generating list caused crash (fixed), Clearing current custom list did reset list name (fixed), Select Emulator screen shows incorrect (old) emulator name after clearing/renaming emulator (fixed), Artwork #'s in 'EMU?.CFG' files did not correspond to #'s in the Layout Designer (fixed), 'Snapshot Filename to Replace with Romname' option did not work (fixed), Problem with Belgian, Dutch, French & German regional decimal symbol (fixed), Pressing P2 Start while in 'Generate Custom List using Filters' menu (without making filter change) returned incorrectly to 'Emulator Settings' menu (fixed), Trying to select random game while no games exist in list caused hang (fixed), Pressing key to quit Blank Screen screen-saver caused crash (fixed), Message informing of game added to / removed from Custom List incorrectly referred to 'Favorites' (fixed), Merged romsets could not be launched (fixed*) (*make sure 'Use Long Filenames' is set to 'Yes'), Excessive delay while MAMEWAH clears games lists from memory (noticable when switching emu's/lists) (Windows 98). Improvements: Added 'ROM Folder vs Listinfo (M.A.M.E.)' to 'List Generation Method's - generate M.A.M.E. games list without supplying DAT file, Invalid characters automatically removed from path/filenames, 'Snapshot Filename to Replace with Romname' changed to 'Artwork #1 Filename to Replace with Romname'. MAMEWAH v0.95b (02/06/03) Bugs Fixed: Mouse click on games list with no games present would result in crash (fixed), Holding direction at top/bottom of games list, with 'Refresh Snapshot Image Every Time' option set to 'No' would result in 'No Snap' image being shown (fixed), Controls would sometimes (randomly) only result in either up/down a page (whatever key pressed) after playing a game (fixed), Impossible to remove a sound event filename using options menu (fixed), Sound event-related bug prevented exiting from MAMEWAH (fixed), Logo image would flicker while changing emulator / games list (fixed). Improvements (/Changes): Numerous changes to options: 'Emulator Options' submenu changed to 'Emulator Settings', 'Current Emulator' option changed to 'Select Emulator', enabling quick selection rather than cycling through, 'Use Merged Romsets' option removed (see 'To Do'), 'Verify ROM's before Playing' option removed (see 'To Do'), 'Add Emulator' option removed,} Up to 20 emulators can be setup 'Remove Current Emulator' option removed,} without adding/removing 'List Generation Settings' (submenu of 'Emulator Settings') added, 'DAT Filename' setting added, 'NMS Filename' setting added, 'CatVer Filename' setting added, 'ROM Path' setting now exists for all emulators (MAME.CFG / MAME.INI no longer read), 'ROM Filename Extension' setting now exists for all emulators, 'List Generation Method' setting added, 'Executable Settings' (submenu of 'Emulator Settings') added, 'Send ROM Path' setting added, 'Send ROM Extension' setting added, 'Use Long Filenames' setting added, 'Show DOS Box' setting altered to incorporate old 'Auto-Show DOS Box' option (see 'To Do'), 'Default Options' setting added, 'Emulator Name' option changed to 'Rename Current Emulator', 'Clear Current Emulator' option added, 'Logo Image Filename' setting added, 'Snapshot Path' replaced with 'Artwork #? Image Path' settings (? = 1-10), 'Display Clone Info (in Custom Lists)' setting added, 'Refresh Games List NOW' option changed to 'Refresh Games List' (NOTE: Only visible when Custom List 1 is selected), 'Select Custom List' option added, 'Rename Current Custom List' option added, 'Generate Custom List using Filters' option added (NOTE: Only visible when a Custom List >1 is selected), 'Add Game to Favorites' option changed to 'Add Game to Custom List', 'Remove Game from Favorites' otpion changed to 'Remove Game from Custom List', 'Clear Current Custom List' option added, 'View / Test Controls' removed, 'Customise Controls' option added, 'Run Random Game (using Wrapper)' - 'Screen-Saver Type' added, 'Launch External (.SCR) Screen-Saver' - 'Screen-Saver Type' added, 'Wrapper Executable' option added, 'Wrapper Default Options' option added, 'Slide Show MP3 Path' option removed, 'External (.SCR) Screen-Saver Filename' option added, 'Customisation Options' removed in favour of using new 'Layout' files for appearance customisation, 'MP3 Path' option added, 'Play MP3's While Browsing' option added, 'Play MP3's During Screen-Saver' option added, 'Layout Filename' setting added, 'Stretch Snapshot Image' changed to 'Stretch Artwork Images', 'Refresh Snapshot Image Every Time' changed to 'Refresh Artwork Images Every Time', All emulators (up to 20) now treated the same, ie no M.A.M.E. / ZiNc specific code, List(s) of PC Games/Applications can now be created, 'Main Games List' / 'Favorite Games List' removed in favour of 20 custom lists (Custom List 1 cannot be filtered/changed), Un-used games lists & snapshot/MP3 lists are no longer held in memory - more efficient but may trigger a slight pause when switching games lists / emulators, depending on system spec / number of ROMs etc., All Filters are all now future-proof, filters and filter options determined by DAT file used, Improved game selection after filtering list, Menu lock function added (hold P2 Start for 3 seconds [with Options menu showing]), Sound filenames no longer have to exist (so MAMEWAH defaults can exist), Resolution, and general appearance can now be fully customised in the 'MAMEWAH Layout Designer', 'DEBUG.LOG' file generated every game launch to help identify problems with commandlines. MAMEWAH v0.9 (02/10/02) Bugs Fixed: When 'Stretch Snapshot' option is set to 'No', sometimes the cursor keys or number pad keys did not work (fixed), After adding/removing an emulator, the correct MAME/emulator options may not have been displayed (fixed), Game descriptions would be displayed incorrectly for non-MAME emulators (Windows 2000 & XP) (fixed), Slideshow images may not be displayed correctly for non-MAME emulators (Windows 2000 & XP) (fixed). Improvements: Added ZiNc emulator support, Changed non-MAME emulator descriptions from 'Emulator #?' to the .exe name of the emulator - this is user-definable once the emulator has been added, User-defined ROM's directories can now be used for Non-MAME Emulators, User-defined ROM filename extension can now be used for Non-MAME Emulators, User-defined Snapshot directories can now be used for Non-MAME Emulators, Slide Show screen saver improved to re-size images as large as possible without leaving screen boundaries, Game list now scrolls slightly differently - keeping selected game in the centre of the screen, Game descriptions now shortened when neccessary by text width (as opposed to number of characters), Customisation options: Font types/size and colors added, 'No Snap' image may now be customised for each emulator, MP3 support while in 'Slide Show' screensaver mode, More info on each game now stored: Year, Manufacturer, Parent Name, BIOS Name, Screen Type, Screen Orientation, Controller, Driver Status - General / Color / Sound, CatVer.ini support, New filters based on above info, Event sounds options added (.WAV, .MP3 and .MID file formats supported), Some minor aesthetic changes. MAMEWah v0.895 (07/06/02) Bugs Fixed: Games may not show up in list if ROMS directory was not within main MAME directory (fixed), Snapshots may not have been displayed if snapshot directory was not within main MAME directory (fixed), When a new emulator is added, adding a game to the favorites list may cause MAMEWah to crash (fixed), Non-MAME games with a full-stop (.) in the filename may not be displayed with the correct name in the games list (fixed). Improvements: Renamed the 'Console #?' label as 'Emulator #?' to be more accurate. MAMEWah v0.894 (05/06/02) Bugs Fixed: Snapshots may not have been displayed if snapshot path was not '[mamepath]\SNAP' (fixed). Improvements: Added 'Display Mahjong / Quiz Games' filter option, Added 'Add Game to Favorites' / 'Remove Game from Favorites' options, Added 'Select Random Game' option (pressing P1 Neo Geo Button B still works as well), Added 'Joystick Sensitivity' option, Added 'Double-Game-Jump Fix (Milli-Seconds)' option to help prevent 'double-jumps' when moving through the games lists and options menu, Added 'Stretch Snapshot Images' option to retain snapshot aspect ratio (or not) - BUGGY, SEE BELOW, Removed the 'Shut Down on Exit' option and added the choice of 'Exit to Windows', 'Exit & Reboot' or 'Exit & Shut Down' to the 'Exit MAMEWah' menu selection, Improved the game list generation routine (hopefully a bit quicker), Added multiple emulator support, Added customisable title logo facility (different logo can be used for each emulator), Removed the fps reading (& some error messages) after playing a game (slightly quicker game loading time), After refreshing the Games List, the game selected before 'refreshment' is now selected if possible (unless game no longer exists in list), Player 1 Button 3 / Neo Geo Button D can now be used to move up / down 1 game/option, Altered the Add / Remove Favorites function button config from P1 Button 1 + Neo Geo Button A, to P1 Button 1 + Button 2 (for users who have no Neo Geo Button A). MAMEWah v0.893 (19/02/02) Bugs Fixed: MAME path didn't work if not in primary drive (fixed), Crash if no SNAP files and no 'SNAPS.LST' present (fixed), No games displayed even if games exist after MAME path is changed in Options and Games list refreshed (fixed), Intermittant Controls screen position/size problem (fixed), Previous message sometimes displayed when refreshing the games list (fixed), Long filename/path for MAME.EXE does not work (Windows 2000/XP) (fixed). Improvements: Snapshot path taken from MAME.INI / MAME.CFG, Games list sorted alphabetically but now not case sensitive, Added Romset name to 'FAVORITE.LOG' as well as game description, Added option to display Romset name (& parent Romset name). MAMEWah v0.892 (30/01/02) Bugs Fixed: Error when refreshing games list with no relevant files in the 'ROMS' directory (fixed). MAMEWah v0.891 (27/01/02) Bugs Fixed: Error when refreshing games list with no relevant files in the 'SNAP' directory (fixed). Improvements: Some memory potentially freed. MAMEWah v0.89 (27/01/02) Bugs Fixed: Task Bar visible when running Windows in 640x480 resolution (fixed), Fault when no games are in list and screensaver activates (fixed), Fault if Blank Screen screensaver is activated after Slide Show screensaver - one snapshot would still be displayed (fixed), Snapshot not displayed after playing game, taking snapshot and exiting (fixed), Screensaver not activating for the second time with Options or About dialog open and no key pressed in between screensaver quitting/activation (fixed), Reboot option not working (fixed), Crash when inputting stupidly high screen saver delay or slide show wait time (fixed), Mouse click could sometimes cause selected option to change (fixed), Screensaver could begin while game list being refreshed (fixed), Missing or wrongly named Favorites message not displayed (fixed), Shut Down function not working in Windows 2000 / XP (fixed). Improvements: Merged Romsets now supported (as by MAME), Alternative ROM directory names & multiple ROM directories can be used (as stated in your MAME.INI or .CFG file), Refreshing of games list is vastly quicker (maybe not if using Merged Romsets), A game can not be added to Favorites if it already exists within Favorites, Keys '5' and '6' can be used to switch game lists as well as '3' and '4', Slide Show screensaver now shows only shows snapshots of games that exist in the Main games list, Slide Show screensaver now displays game description as well as snapshot, Pressing P1 Start during Slide Show screensaver quits saver and jumps to game in the Main list, Minor text formatting changes, More informative messages while refreshing game list, Added 'Press Any Button' or similar prompts when neccessary, Added M.A.M.E. version number display, 'No Pic.PNG' is now not refreshed un-neccesarily when switching between lists with no snapshot displayed on either, Pressing Neo-Geo button B now selects a game at random, 'View / Test Controls' option added for viewing keys and testing buttons, Time Windows desktop is visible between exiting a game and resuming MAMEWah is reduced (maybe fixed? *), A lot of code optimised or streamlined (maybe slight speed increase in places on low-end PC's ?). * Seems fixed on my PC - please let me know if not.