The following will detail the conversion/restoration of this cabinet.


Well, I'm including this one to kind of demonstrate how you can take the existing panel out of your cabinet and convert it to mame, as opposed to starting from scratch.  This was was sent to was (I think) a Lethal Enforcers panel.  Above, you can see it after I ran it through the planer, for a super smooth finish. 




  The print for the panel is done, so now I just have to start laying out the control locations.  This one is getting a couple of restored Wico red ball joysticks, a trackball and a spinner.  I'll be doing up another trackball plate like the one on my 4 player panels, and wiring it all to an ipac and an Optipac.  That's two projects that need Ultimarc products, so I'd best be getting the ole credit card out.


  Plexi for this is cut, and the holes match the panel, so lets get that trackball mounted!


  The new trackball plate is cut drilled and primed.  Here I mount it to the panel with some adhesive and recessed screws.  After that set I'll smooth it all with extra strength filler, and sand it smooth.  Once that is done, the graphic and the plexi will be mounted, and each button hole will be cut into the material.  Then it's time to populate the panel.


  Starting to come together.  Forgot about the spinner, so that will go in tomorrow.  Plexi needs to be trimmed and edged, and new t-molding for the front. 



  Here you can kind of see the wiring, the opti-pac and the I-pac.  Red for the connection wires, and white for the common ground.  Kind of looks a crazy mess, but it works perfectly!  Usb connection on the I-pac, and serial for the trackball and spinner.


  Well, that's all she wrote.  The panel is tested, and ready for installation. Red button is the fire button, blue buttons are the main play buttons, and the black buttons are the thumb strikers  (I come up with these catch names all by clever!) :)  
Well this is where Jason steps in and takes over.  The panel was from this Lethal enforcers cab seen at left.
A big ole tv is removed from the housing and mounted into the cabinet in a vertical position.  Almost looks like a regular arcade monitor.  Check out the laptop which is the core of this cab setup.
Wouldn't be complete without a quality marquee...hey that one looks a bit familiar...
Well there is the long and the short of sweet looking unit!!!!!!!!
Here Jason displays the tools with which he completed the job.  Ahh, the proud papa. :)

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