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"Okay, I got my light gun! I installed it as I wrote this, so you
can follow along. I opened the box (above), and looked at my new toy.
It came with a bit more than just the gun, as you can see by the pics below.
Well that was pretty neat! I couldn't break the the top 10 in score, but I enjoyed the hell out of shooting, well, stuff! I also gave 'chiller' a try, and even though that is a sick game, it's damn fun. I'm having a bit of trouble getting the calibration right, but after about 5 tries at re-calibrating, it finally got it the way I want it. As a tip, I found that if it is shooting too low, then point the gun down slightly when doing the calibration test. This might not actually work, but the last time I did it, it aimed where I wanted it to. I first thought that the gun was a little too light, (not realistic enough), but then I realized that if you're going to be holding your hand out in front of you for half an hour, you don't want to be holding 5 pounds!! The trigger has a really good feel to it. I was expecting a 'clicky' trigger, and missed it at first, but once I was used to it I found that a squeeze of the trigger is nice and smooth, and the screen flashes when you 'fire off a round'. Far preferable I think. Now I have to find a list of compatible games! I went through a number of the online games, and although my eye is practically bleeding from an hour of squinting and shooting, I really enjoyed some of them. I can say that the accuracy is much better in mame than the shockwave games. I thought I would have another go at the calibration. After a bit of searching, I came up with this snippet from the FAQ, and I tried it, it works!!!" Q: My shots are always a little to the right or
left of where I shoot. Final Remarks: Once I got the calibration right, it opened up a whole new level of gaming for me! I'm going to mount this to my main cab, as it adds a few more games to the arsenal of 'late-night drunken testosterone-enhanced macho fest" games I can play with the guys! I definitely think there should be some good ole instructions in the package, but that aside, this was an awesome addition to my cabinet.
I like to think of myself as a fairly good FPS'er. However, I don't think I've played with a gun since Nintendo's Duck Hunt. That was a game all my friends played, it came with the game didn't it? By the time I got to try out the gun, Z had it installed in a cabinet. He thinks that the front glass on the cabinet can throw the aim off of the gun. I think he's right. However it is not too hard to compensate. In the standup arcade cabinet the gun always shoots to the left and down a bit. So just shoot high and right! :-) We found a list of games that work in Mame here and tried a few of them out. He is right in that your arm can get tired after a while. After a short time I'd say! Give me a railgun and an armchair anyday! Overall, I thought it was neat, but there should be a way to adjust the aim for that glass! Final Remarks: Fun shooting a 'real' gun instead of a virtual one. Feels good in the hand.