Here's a tip that might help out someone trying to salvage a spinner from an old or discarded control panel, that was suffering from a  common ailment: Dead optics.

Here I'll show you how to use an optic board from Oscar Controls to bring that beast back to life!


  First, remove the old optic board (two screws, red arrows) and discard.  Then remove the c clip from the bottom of the spinner shaft (yellow arrow), and the two hex nuts halfway up the shaft (not shown).  Careful with that c clip, that thing can fly a mile if you're not careful.  If you have access to a buffer, this is a good time to polish up the spinner shaft, and remove any gunk and crap.


  Now the fun begins. Using an optical board from Oscar Controls (currently $7.50), we have to match it up to the mounting position on the tempest spinner base. On the left, you can see the two spots where I will mount the card (silver arrows).  One spot needs to be drilled.  On the right is the Oscar card, with the two holes I will use, one of which will be drilled.  Be sure to only drill through the board, not through any of the traces (the metal lines).  You can kind of see how the two pieces will line up and come together.  On to the drill press!


  Although not needed, a drill press makes jobs like this sooo much easier.  You can still make mistakes, but it's less likely to ruin a part by a slip of the drill.  On the left I drill a spot on the base, and on the right I carefully drill my hole in the optic board.  Now wasn't that painless?


  The fit is perfect, and the parts line up well.  Now I have to reinstall the shaft and wheel, and see about lining them up properly. 
  I installed the top c clip, held the wheel in place, and slid the shaft through the holes.  The set screws (silver arrow) I set just lightly, then installed the spinner knob.  I attached the bottom c clip, then set the height of the wheel by eye, and tightened up the screws.  I've used the DOT replica spinner knob on this, since it makes a nice combo.  A little powdered graphite, and this spinner is good to go.  Note: There is a machined aluminum Tempest replica knob available in the Oscar Store, that really makes this a perfect restoration!

I wired it up quickly to a panel just to give it a run, and it worked well with the settings that worked for the Oscar Pro.  No problems!  That's all there is to it.  Was it useful?  You tell me! :)



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