The Annis Family in the American Civil War

Compiled and written by Michael James Annis

Copyright © 2004

Published under the auspices of the

Annis Family Association




Major Sullivan Ballou's Letter

Annis Boys in Blue - United States of America ~ These are listed by State in alphabetical order

Annis Boys in Gray - Confederate States of America

Other Soldiers with Annis Surname Derivatives


Photograph Credits

Additional Photographs


Special Dedication

Annis Family Association



When I first conceived of the idea of writing the story about our family's participation in the American Civil War, I was rather intimidated by the sheer volume of information, stories and data that made up the fabric of the Annis family's role in that tragic conflict. The War Between the States and that particular era of American history is a subject that has always held my attention and study, and this book is a natural product of that interest.
As young boy growing up in Fenton, Michigan it was customary, as it was in nearly every town and village in the United States, that Memorial Day services were concluded at the local cemetery with a reading of the Gettysburg Address. As a child, I did not comprehend all of the words of Abraham Lincoln's famous speech, but I realized even at that early age that what I was listening to were words of very great importance. President Lincoln delivered those immortal words 134 years ago on the Gettysburg battlefield to dedicate a site for a National cemetery. I can more fully appreciate Lincoln's remarks that were made on the November day in 1863 after discovering the Annis Family's commitment to those words.
It is nearly impossible for the people of this generation to comprehend the upheaval and unrest that occurred in the decades prior to the American Civil War. The conflicts and violence that preceded the costliest war in American history is a nightmare of folly and incomparable tragedy. It is not possible to comprehend the tremendous human drama and tragedy of this "crossroads of our nation". These pages are not meant to be comprehensive history of the American Civil War, but it is impossible to untangle the Annis Family's history from that of its nation. Instead, this is an image of an American family, like thousands of others that sent their sons to the fields of battle that stretched across our Nation. From the streets of Gettysburg to the bayous of Louisiana, young lives were transformed, sacrificed, and redeemed in the awful crucible of war.
This volume is the records and stories of the Annis men who served their country's Cause, but it is also a dedication to their unfathomable courage, and patriotism. There is no judgment in these pages as to who was right or wrong. During the Civil War, when President Lincoln was constantly prodding his reluctant Generals into action, one General's reply was that the troops were too "green" to go into action. Lincoln responded to this with "We are green, they are green, we are all green alike".
The sacrifices that were made by the men on either side transcends what we as partisan onlookers hold sacred or noble, and to paraphrase Lincoln - We were patriotic, they were patriotic, we were all patriotic alike.
This book is not intended to be a genealogical record of the men from the Annis family who served their country from 1861 to 1865, but rather a compilation of the existing records. Whenever possible, or known, the soldier's Annis lineage is also included.


To my beautiful children,
Lauren, Erik and Kathryn Annis
To all the brave young men

"The greatest lesson that one generation can bestow upon the next

is that a reverence for the past ensures the future."


Sarah My Love

The hauntingly beautiful letter which follows is in no way directly related to members of the Annis Family who served during the Civil War. But one important lesson I have learned in genealogy is that you never know who you may be related to. The letter is sad and beautiful expression of the fears, questions, and emotions that all men and women feel when they go off to battle and an uncertain future. This is what really makes us all part of each other.
Major Sullivan Ballou wrote it to his wife Sarah on the eve of the First Battle of Bull Run.

July the 14th, 1861
Washington D.C.

My very dear Sarah:
The indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days -- perhaps tomorrow. Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more.
Our movement may be one of a few days duration and full of pleasure - and it may be one of severe conflict and death to me. Not my will, but thine 0 God, be done. If it is necessary that I should fall on the battlefield for my country, I am ready. I have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in, the cause in which I am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter. I know how strongly American Civilization now leans upon the triumph of the Government, and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and suffering of the Revolution. And I am willing -- perfectly willing -- to lay down all my joys in this life, to help maintain this Government, and to pay that debt. But, my dear wife, when I know that with my own joys I lay down nearly all of yours, and replace them in this life with cares and sorrows -- when, after having eaten for long years the bitter fruit of orphanage myself, I must offer it as their only sustenance to my dear little children -- is it weak or dishonorable, while the banner of my purpose floats calmly and proudly in the breeze, that my unbounded love for you, my darling wife and children, should struggle in fierce, though useless, contest with my love of country?
I cannot describe to you my feelings on this calm summer night, when two thousand men are sleeping around me, many of them enjoying the last, perhaps, before that of death -- and I, suspicious that Death is creeping behind me with his fatal dart, am communing with God, my country, and thee.
I have sought most closely and diligently and often in my breast, for a wrong motive in thus hazarding the happiness of those I loved and I could not find one. A pure love of my country and of the principles often advocated before the people and "the name of honor that I love more than I fear death" has called upon me, and I have obeyed.
Sarah, my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me to you with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break; and yet my love of Country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield.
The memories of the blissful moments I have spent with you come creeping over me, and I feel most gratified to God and to you that I have enjoyed them so long. And hard it is for me to give them up and burn to ashes the hopes of future years, when God willing, we might still have lived and loved together and seen our sons grow up to honorable manhood around us. I have, I know, but few and small claims upon Divine Providence, but something whispers to me -- perhaps it is the wafted prayer of my little Edgar -- that I shall return to my loved ones unharmed.
If I do not, my dear Sarah, never forget how much I love you, and when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name.
Forgive my many faults, and the many pains I have caused you. How thoughtless and foolish I have oftentimes been! How gladly would I wash out with my tears every little spot upon your happiness, and struggle with all the misfortune of this world, to shield you and my children from harm. But I cannot. I must watch you from the spirit land and hover near you, while you buffet the storms with your precious little freight, and wait with sad patience till we meet to part no more.
But, O Sarah! If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they loved, I shall always be near you; in the garish day and in the darkest night -- amidst your happiest scenes and gloomiest hours -- always, always; and if there be a soft breeze upon your cheek, it shall be my breath; or the cool air fans your throbbing temple, it shall be my spirit passing by. Sarah, do not mourn me dead; think I am gone and wait for thee, for we shall meet again.
As for my little boys, they will grow as I have done, and never know a father's love and care. Little Willie is too young to remember me long, and my blue-eyed Edgar will keep my frolics with him among the dimmest memories of his childhood. Sarah, I have unlimited confidence in your maternal care and your development of their characters. Tell my two mothers his and hers I call God's blessing upon them. O Sarah, I wait for you there! Come to me, and lead thither my children.

Major Sullivan Ballou and 93 of his men were mortally wounded at Bull Run. In an attempt to better direct his men, Ballou took a horse mounted position in front of his regiment, when a 6-pounder solid shot from Confederate artillery tore off his right leg and simultaneously killed his horse. The badly injured Major was then carried off the field and the remainder of his leg was amputated. Ballou died from his wound a week after that Union defeat and was buried in the yard of nearby Sudley Church.

Annis Boys in Blue - United States of America


Pvt. William Annis - Company "A" - 1st Volunteer Connecticut Infantry
Pvt. Henry B. Annis - Company "H" - 16th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry


Pvt. Augustus Annis - Company "H" - 1st Delaware Infantry
Gustavis Annis - Company "H" - 1st Delaware Infantry
Pvt. F. H. Annis - Company "K" - 3rd Delaware Infantry


Pvt. Benjamin Annis - Company "C" - 37th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Charles Annis - Company "C" - 37th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. R. Annis - Company "C" - 37th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. John Annis - Company "H" - 57th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Noah D. Annis - Company "F" - 57th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Hospitalman John Baum Annis - F & S Company - 72nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. Henry Brown Annis - Company "B" - 96th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. James Kelder Annis - Company "D" - 1st Illinois Cavalry
Sgt. Judson A. Annis - Company "G" - 8th Illinois Cavalry


1st Sgt. Augustus H. Annis - Company "C" - 73rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. John A. Annis - Company "K" - 19th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Lorenzo Annis - Company "K" - 29th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Sgt. William A. Annis - Company "K" - 83rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. William M. Annis - Company "K" - 29th Indiana Volunteer Infantry


Pvt. Francis Annis - Company "D" - 32nd Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. George W. Annis - Company "F" - 12th Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Myron Annis - Company "H" - 21st Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Myron T. Annis - 34th Iowa Volunteer Infantry


Pvt. Daniel Ennis (Annis) - 2nd Kansas Battery of Light Artillery


Cpl. James N. Annis - Company "G" - 18th Kentucky Infantry
Pvt. Winfield Taylor Annis - Company "D" - 7th Kentucky Cavalry
Pvt. William Annis - Company "C" - 9th Kentucky Cavalry


Pvt. Alanson Annis - Company "I" - 14th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. Albert J. Annis - Company "A" - 13th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Albert M. Annis - Company "F" - 29th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Alfred Annis Jr. - Company "C" - 13th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. Alonzo Annas - Company "D" - 1st Maine Cavalry
Pvt. Alvin H. Annis - Company "B" - 11th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Augustus C. Annis - Company "F" - 1st Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Charles Annis - Company "D" - Coast Guard Infantry
1st Sgt. Charles H. Annis - Company "K" - 13th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Capt. Charles H. Annis - Company "E" - 74th USCT
Capt. Charles H. Annis - Company "K" - 91st USCT
Pvt. Dudley Annis Jr. - Company "B" - 3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Dudley Annis - Company "A" - 17th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Elbridge A. Annis - 2nd Battery - 1st Maine Light Artillery
Pvt. George F. Annis - Company "E" - Coast Guard Infantry
Pvt. Henry A. Annis - Company "A" - 16th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Hiram Annis - Company "C" - 30th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Horace W. Annis - Company "C" - 29th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. James E. (B.) Annis - Company "B" - 11th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. James P. Annis - Battery "A" - 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Pvt. Jesse Annis - Company "D" - 16th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. John Annis - 6th Battery - 1st Maine Light Artillery
Pvt. John G. Annis - Companies "C" and "H" - 10th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. John G. Annis - Company "K" - 29th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. John G. Annis - Company "I" - 14th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. John H. A. Annis - Company "F" - 6th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. John L. Annis - Company "K" - 11th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. John N. Annis - 12th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. Joseph Annis - Company "K" - 2nd Maine Cavalry
Cpl. Jothum Annis - Company "D" - 11th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. Morrill Annis - Company "C" - 1st Maine Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. Morrill Annis - Company "C" - 7th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. Morrill Annis - Companies "C" and "K" - 2nd Maine Cavalry
Pvt. Ruel W. Annis - 6th Battery - 1st Maine Light Artillery
Pvt. Samuel A. Annis - Company "F" - 26th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Sanford Annis - Battery "F" - 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Pvt. Simon Annis Jr. - 3rd Battery - 1st Maine Light Artillery
Pvt. Thomas Annis Jr. - Company "A" - 17th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Truman W. Annis - Companies "B" and "G" - 11th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. William E. Annis - Company "H" - 16th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Sgt. William E. Annis - Company "H" - 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry
Sgt. Zebina N. Annis - Company "F" - 1st Maine Volunteer Infantry


Pvt. Charles H. Annis - Company "F" - 2nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. David Annis - 2nd and 6th Batteries - Independent Massachusetts Light Artillery
Pvt. John P. Annis - Company "A" - 56th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Joseph Erskine Annis - Company "A" - 18th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Joseph Erskine Annis - Company "F" - 22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Joseph Erskine Annis - Company "B" - 40th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Mark C. Annis - Company "B" - 1st Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Mark C. Annis - 2nd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery
Pvt. Stilman L. Annis - Company "F" - 2nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry


Pvt. Alexander Curtis Annis - Company "F" - 14th Michigan Infantry
Pvt. Andrew J. Annis - Company "A" - 23rd Michigan Infantry
Pvt. Charles Jordan Annes - Company "C" - 29th Michigan Infantry
Pvt. Deforest Samuel Annis - Battery "B" - 1st Michigan Light Artillery
Pvt. Emerson David Annis - Company "K" - 29th Michigan Infantry
Pvt. George Hartsel Annis - Company "H" - 1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. George W. Annis - Company "K" - 24th Michigan Infantry
2nd Lt. George W. Annis - Battery "D" - 1st Michigan Light Artillery
Pvt. Hiram Annis - Company "M" - 8th Michigan Cavalry
Pvt. Ira Phelps Annis - Company "B" - 26th Michigan Infantry
Pvt. Isaac H. Annis - Unknown
Pvt. John Annis - Company "D" - 1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. John Calvin Annis - Company "B" - 1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. John Calvin Annis - 2nd United States Cavalry
Pvt. John M. Annis - Company "B" - 2nd Michigan Cavalry
Pvt. Joseph Annis - Company "G" - 11th Michigan Infantry
Pvt. Marcus Annis - Company "F" - 13th Michigan Infantry
Pvt. Thomas Annis - Company "A" - 28th Michigan Infantry
Pvt. William Annis - Company "H" - 6th Michigan Cavalry
Pvt. William G. Annis - Company "F" - 13th Michigan Infantry


Pvt. George Annis - Company "F" - 9th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. George Mero Annis - Companies "B" and "F" - 5th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Levi Annis - Company "A" - 10th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Richard S. Annis - Company "C" - 11th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry


Pvt. Noah H. Annis - Company "A" - Missouri Home Guard Reserve Corps

New Hampshire

Sgt. Augustus Cummings Annis - Company "F" - 8th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Charles Annis - Company "C" - 8th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Charles Daniel Annis - Company "C" - 11th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Charles S. Annis - Company "I" - 4th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Daniel Morrill Annis - Company "F" - 11th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. David Leach Annis - Company "E" - 15th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Franklin Brooks Annis - Company "H" - 13th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. George H. Annis - Company "E" - 15th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. George Washington Annis - Battery "D" - 1st New Hampshire Heavy Artillery
Pvt. Henry Storey Annis - Company "B" - 15th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Joel Coburn Annis - Company "F" - 9th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Mark C. Annis - 7th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Cpl. Oliver P. Annis - Company "A" - 6th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Pvt. Robert Annis - Company "F" - 7th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
Sgt. Zebina Newell Annis - Company "G" - 4th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
James W. Annis 1844-1865 - Died as a POW at Andersonville, GA Regiment Unknown

New York

Pvt. Albert Annis - Independent - 18th New York Light Artillery
Pvt. Albert F. Annis - Company "C" - 15th New York Infantry
Pvt. Alonzo Annis - Company "D" - 33rd New York Infantry
Pvt. Alonzo Annis - Company "C" - 49th New York Infantry
Pvt. Bernard Annis - Company "K" - 4th New York Infantry
Pvt. Calvin Annis - Company "F" - 28th New York Infantry
Cpl. Clark Annis - Company "D" - 117th New York Infantry
Sgt. Edwin E. Annis - Company "G" - 64th New York Infantry
Pvt. Ezra F. Annis - Company "A" - 9th New York Cavalry
Pvt. Everett K. Annis - 1st New York Light Artillery
Pvt. George Washington Annis - Company "D" - 60th New York Infantry
Pvt. George Washington Annis - Company "A" - 9th New York Cavalry
Pvt. Henry G. Annis - Company "K" - 118th New York Infantry
Pvt. Isaiah Place Annis - Company "I" - 142nd New York Infantry
Pvt. James Quincy Annis - Company "B" - 72nd New York Infantry
Pvt. John Annis - Company "D" - 11th New York Cavalry
Pvt. John Annis - 59th New York Infantry
Pvt. John Phineas Annis - Company "C" - 9th New York Cavalry
Pvt. Joseph Annis - Company "A" - 26th New York Infantry
Pvt. Joseph Annis - Company "K" - 118th New York Infantry
Pvt. Joseph Annis - Battery "B" - 1st New York Light Artillery
Pvt. Joseph Annis - Independent Battery - 1st New York Light Artillery
Pvt. Lemen Annis - Company "L" - 8th New York Cavalry
Pvt. Martin Van Buren Annis - Battery "G" - 1st New York Light Artillery
Pvt. Marvin Annis - 2nd United States Cavalry, Company "A" 5th West Virginia Cavalry
Pvt. Michael Annis - Company "A" - 136th New York Infantry
Pvt. Michael Annis - Battery "A" - 16th New York Light Artillery
Cpl. Monroe Hoyt Annis - Company "C" - 136th New York Infantry
Pvt. Myron Annis - Battery "L" - 1st New York Light Artillery
Pvt. Prosper Bell Annis - Company "B" - 19th New York Cavalry
Pvt. Richard Annis - Companies "H" and "K" - 175th New York Infantry
Cpl. William Daniel Annis - Company "H" - 143rd New York Infantry


Pvt. Alfred Annis - Company "F" - 128th Ohio Infantry
Pvt. Charles Annis - Company "D" - 152nd Ohio Infantry (National Guard)
Captain Christian Annis - Company "E" - 183rd Ohio Infantry
Pvt. George Annis - Company "E" - 7th Ohio Infantry
Pvt. Leman Annis - Company "E" - 41st Ohio Infantry
Pvt. William Annis - 3rd Independent - Ohio Light Artillery
Pvt. William Annis - 85th Co. 2nd Battn Reg. Reserve Corps
Pvt. George Annis - Company "I" - 12th Ohio Cavalry
Sgt.George Annis - Company "L" - 12th Ohio Cavalry


Pvt. George Annis - Company "K" - 28th Pennsylvania Infantry
Pvt. John Annis - Company "E" - 192nd Pennsylvania Infantry
Pvt. Samuel Annis - Battery "F" - Pennsylvania Light Artillery
Pvt. Samuel Annis - Hampton's Independent Battery - Pennsylvania Light Artillery
Pvt. William Annis - Company "C" - 46th Pennsylvania Infantry
Pvt. William Annis Jr. - Company "K" - 50th Pennsylvania Infantry
Pvt. Benjamin G. Annis - Company "G" - 7th Pennsylvania Infantry and 32nd Pennsylvania Infantry

Rhode Island

Pvt. James E. Annis - Company "H" - 10th Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry


Pvt. James B. Annis - Company "A" - 12th Tennessee Cavalry


Pvt. George Annis - Company "I" - 15th Vermont Infantry
Pvt. Josiah W. Annis - Company "I" - 15th Vermont Infantry
Pvt. Nathaniel Annis - Company "C" - 8th Vermont Infantry
Pvt. Salmon P. Annis - Batteries "E", "I", and "K" - 1st Vermont Heavy Artillery
Pvt. William Kimball Annis Jr. - Company "I" - 15th Vermont Infantry
Pvt. William H. Annis - Company "F" - 3rd Vermont Infantry


Pvt. Aaron Hunt Annis - Company "A" - 18th Wisconsin Infantry
Cpl. Adanirum Annis - Company "C" - 39th Wisconsin Infantry
Sgt. Almeron Annis - Company "G" - 42nd Wisconsin Infantry
Cpl. Almon W. Annis - Company "E" - 51st Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. Benjamin B. Annis - Company "B" - 11th Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. Bradford Annas - Company "E" - 5th Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. Fluette Annis - Company "C" - 3rd Wisconsin Infantry
Captain Fluette Annis - Company "G" - 22nd Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. (Sgt.) Harvey Annis - Companies "F" and "K" - 18th Wisconsin Infantry;
2nd Lt. - Companies "G" and "K" - 51st USCT
Pvt. James Annis - 32nd Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. James Addison Annas - Landsman - United States Navy
Pvt. Levi Annis - Company "I" - 1st Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. Levi Annis - Company "K" - 14th Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. Levi Annis - Company "D" - 16th Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. Levi Annis - Company "H" - 32nd Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. Nehemiah Annis - Company "G" - 3rd Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. Nehemiah Annis - Company "G" - 21st Wisconsin Infantry
Pvt. William Annis - Company "B" - 11th Wisconsin Infantry

U.S. Regular Army

Pvt. Alvaro Ferson Annis - Company "E", 1st Regiment U.S. Sharpshooters
Pvt. George A. Annis - Company "C", 11th U.S. Infantry
Bugler Jonathan A. Annis - Company "F", 1st District of Columbia Cavalry
Pvt. Paine Davis Annis - Company "B", 2nd Regiment U.S. Sharpshooters
Pvt Moses C. Annas - Company "B", 17th U.S. Infantry
Pvt Sanford Morton Annas - Company "A", 17th U.S.Infanrty
Pvt William W. Annas - Company "?", 17th U.S. Infantry

United States Colored Troops

Pvt. Abraham Annis - Company "D" - 19th USCT
2nd Lt. Alfred Annis - Companies "D" and "E" - 74th USCT and Company "K" - 91st USCT
Capt. Charles H. Annis - Company "E" - 74th USCT and Company "K" - 91st USCT
Pvt. Fayette Annis - Company "C" - 66th USCT
2nd Lt. Harvey Annis - Companies "G" and "K" - 51st USCT
Pvt. Jerrill Annis - Battery "B" - 12th USCT Heavy Artillery
Sgt. Pompey Annis - Company "E" - 101st USCT
Pvt. Robert Annis - Company "A" - 52nd USCT
Pvt. Sandy Annis - Company "F" - 70th USCT and Company "G" - 71st USCT

Annis Boys in Grey - Confederate States of America

Because of the fewer number of Annis soldiers that served in the Confederate States of America forces, the list is in alphabetical order and may be viewed on one single page. You may still access the individual soldier by clicking on his name.

Corporal A. G. Annis - Company "E", 6th Mississippi Infantry

Private Charles D. Annis - Battery "E", 1st South Carolina Light Artillery

Private Charles Sidney Annis - Company "D", 6th Georgia Infantry

Private G. E. Annis - 48th Tennessee Infantry

Private Hezekiah Annas - Company "F", 26th North Carolina Infantry

Private James Annis - Company "E", 60th Tennessee Infantry

Private James Annis - Companies "D" and "F", 2nd Mississippi Infantry

Sergeant Jerome T. L. Annis - Company "E", 1st Arkansas Infantry and Company "G", 1st Arkansas (Monroe's) Cavalry

Private Jesse Maslon Annis - Company "D", 3rd Georgia Infantry

Private John A. Annis - Company "B", 49th Virginia Infantry

Private John Annis - Company "J", 5th North Carolina Infantry

Private John Annis - Company "I", 3rd Texas Infantry

Corporal Joseph B. Annis - Company "G", 12th Virginia Cavalry

Private Patrick H. Annis - Hamer's Company, Salem County Mississippi Cavalry

Private Samuel Annis - Company "G", 39th Virginia Infantry

Private L. A. Annis - Company "C", 1st (Butler's) Kentucky Cavalry and Company "C"

Private William Crawford Annis - Company "B", 9th Battalion, Louisiana Infantry

Pvt. William L. Annis - Company "B", 27 th Tennessee Infantry

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* Please Note: The written contents of this website that are marked "The Annis Family Association", and the Annis Family Association Coat of Arms as shown on these pages, are copyrighted and are subject to certain other legal rights. Please remember that the internet is not "public domain". You may utilize each photograph or image for personal (not commercial) use only, and only in a printed or digitized literary work as a news report or editorial. You may not create derivative works from the written content, a photograph or image, display or distribute copies of it, publish it, use it in a performance, modify it in any manner except size, or, if the particular photograph or image relates to identifiable persons or entities, you may not use it in a manner which suggests their association with or endorsement of any product, service, opinion or cause.