This is the story of an old and noble family name that has been in America since at least 1635. In particular, this site centers on my personal ancient ancestor, Charles Cormac Annis {1638-1717}, but you will discover that there are many other Annis lineage family members that are mentioned here.
You will also find other derivations of the surname that include, but are not limited to, ANNAS, ANNES, ENNIS, ANNISS, and ANICE.
There is extensive reading at this site, and the format is not that of most conventional genealogy related sites, but I have decided upon a more casual (and readable) approach. So, please settle back with a cup of tea or coffee, and remember "from whence we come".
If you have been here before, you can access the Directory or you can access the Annis Links which is a page dedicated to various sites on the Internet that mention Annis family members, places, records and news.
In order to resolve this problem, it would be great to have help maintaining the site and purchasing additional space. Any help is greatly appreciated. You may contribute any amount by clicking the donate button below.
Please note: The website has grown very large, and I had been forced to move some files to another host. Please bear with me as these pages are updated and moved back to Angelfire. In particular, the Annis Family Census pages and the Annis Virtual Cemetery pages are in the process of being moved. A few other links will probably be unavailable for a time.
Copyright © 2009 - Annis Family Association - All Rights Reserved
Annis Family Association Coat of Arms is used by permission by
Copyright © 1997-2009 J.M. Elliott, On-Line-Publishing & Designs of Wonder. All rights reserved.
* Please Note: The written contents of this website that are marked "The Annis Family Association", and the Annis Family Association Coat of Arms as shown on these pages, are copyrighted and are subject to certain other legal rights. Please remember that the internet is not "public domain". You may utilize each photograph or image for personal (not commercial) use only, and only in a printed or digitized literary work as a news report or editorial. You may NOT create derivative works from the written content, a photograph or image, display or distribute copies of it, publish it, use it in a performance, modify it in any manner except size, or, if the particular photograph or image relates to identifiable persons or entities, you may not use it in a manner which suggests their association with or endorsement of any product, service, opinion or cause. For information on commercial or private use permissions write me at annisfamily@hotmail.com