Annis Links
The World Wide Web is a vast storehouse of information concerning Annis/Annas/Annes family members.
The information that you need to find a link to your ancestors may have already been posted on some page somewhere. This page is an attempt to consolidate and organize the many links, which may concern family members. If you have information about any of the people mentioned in these links, please forward it to me at
If you want more information about the people mentioned in the links, I might be able to help you in some cases. A red asterick * after the link is an indication that the person mentioned is a member of the Annis Family Association or is involved in research regarding the family.
Some of these links may be limited in scope and may not be permanent pages. I will attempt to keep this page current and fix or eliminate broken links, please notify me if you find a broken link. Also in regards to links: Some links are no longer available but I have left the information so that you may use a search engine to find additional information on the person or business.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for the accuracy of the information found in these links, nor does the Annis Family Association endorse any of the ideas, theories,
or political affiliations that may be found here. They are for informational and educational purposes only.
Updated May 16, 2009
Annis Family in England - Various Records |
Annis Artists
Francesca Annis - British Actress
Harold "Bud" Annis Memoriam from Actorsingers at the production of "Damn Yankees (1997) at the Edmund M. Keefe Auditorium,
- Actorsingers - Mentions Harold, Arlene and Linda Annis, who all performed or were production staff in Actorsingers 1965 production of "Brigadoon".
Harry Forrest Annas - 1897-1980, Photographer
Nick Annis - Singer and Songwriter
Richard Annis - Actor - Mentions Richard in a Colombo episode -The Greenhouse Jungle, 1972
Robert L. Annis - Director and Dean of Westminster College Choir at Rider University in Princeton, NJ.
Annis Corporation - Professional Design and Promotion - Osaka, Japan
Annis Fur Company Building 1274 Library Avenue, Detroit, MI - This building housed two firms, L. B. King & Company China wholesalers and Annis Furs Company, both of whom were prominent in the commercial history of Detroit. L. B. King and Company headquartered here from 1911 to 1932, and Annis Furs occupied the building from 1932 to 1983. It is on the National Register of Historic Sites (Listed 06/12/1987).
Annis Heavy Haulage - Annis and Co. Ltd. - Frank Annis began his transport life in the 1930s with a few lorries and a scrap yard in London's Shepherds Bush. This link taks you to a site that show a replica of one of Frank Annis "Heavy Haulers" made by Corgi Classics.
Barbara Annis - Barbara Annis and Associates - Working for gender equality in the workplace
Chester O. Annis - NHPA member
Chad Annis - of Building Blocks Inc. (photograph)
Charles G. Annis Statistical Engineer
Christopher J. Annis Attorney at Law - Gainesville, FL
Digital Scanning Services - Wonderful service for those who want to perserve their old photos, slides and images. Owned and operated by AFA Members Richard and Christine Watson *
John Ronald Annis - Real Estate
Michael C. Annis, Inc. - Specialties: Gold (U.S.), Grading services - Ann Arbor, MI
Michael R. Annis Attorney at Law - St. Louis, MO
Tina L. Annis - Wife of Joshua Annis of Concord, NH. Tinas practice areas include estate planning, probate, and elder law.
Annis Religion
Charles W. Annis 1896-1932 - Methodist Ministers and Probationers who have Died in the Work
Missionaries - John and Lyn Annis - Evangelical Free Church Missions - In Romania, in His service
Rev. Charles Michael Patrick Annis - Rector of St. Stephens Episcopal Church - Fairview, PA *
Rev. Steve Annis - Pastor of Gettysburg Church of the Nazarene - Gettysburg, PA
Annis Scientists and Doctors
Dr. Arthur Annis - His studies have included numerous seminars conducted throughout the United States and a trip to China in 1993.
Bethany Annis - Daughter of AFA Board Member Herb Annis of Rockport, ME
Dr. Burleigh S. Annis Prime Movers
D. S. Annis - The Scripps Research Institute Report Mentions publication by D. S. Annis
Jeffrey Lawrence Annis - Scientific Programmer / Analyst - Scripps Institution, UC, San Diego
Dr. Martin Annis - MIT graduate and founder of Annistech
- Annis Crossing (photograph)
- Annis Crossing (article)
Professor Patricia A. Annis - University of Georgia Textiles professor studies wear and tear
Professor Helen Annis
Richard Annis - Archaeologist
Robert B. Annis - Water Resources Institute
- Robert B. Annis Educational Foundation News Release
Nina Hope Annis - English teacher in Wilmore High School, Wilmore, KS (Photograph)
Reverend A. H. Annas - The first school established in Russell County, KS was a private school in the town of Russell, in July 1871. It was supported by the colonists who located at Russell in April of that year. This school was kept in a small frame building, erected by the colonists for school purposes. It was large enough to accommodate all the pupils there were to attend, because, while the colony numbered about seventy souls, only five families came with it, and only two of these had children of school age. Of this little school Mrs. Annas, wife of Rev. A. H. Annas, was the first teacher.
Julia Elizabeth Annas - Regents Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Arizona - "Professor Annas' impact on the study of ancient philosophy cannot be exaggerated."
- Encyclopedia of Ethics - Editors and Contributors - Professor Julia Annas
Annis Politics
Craig Annis Volunteer of the Year
James Dexter Annis - State Representative *
Peter Annis - Mentions Peter Annis, Tory candidate in 1997 for Ottawa Centre, Canada
Annis in Sports
Bill Annis - Baseball Almanac - Statistics for William Perley Annis
Brett Annis - Quarterback - "Everyone knows Brett Annis as the smooth and poised quarterback for the Ulysses Tigers."
Caroline Elizabeth Annis Cross Country Running
Casey Annis - Race Car Driver - Article mentions the "Annis Car", a Chevron B24
Jeff Annis Curling, featured in the Smithsonian magazine
Ken Annis - Photograph of Philadelphia Phillies baseball player Ken Annis - The article is about the short stop for the Phillies', John Kennedy "first black who broke color barrier in 1957".
Matthew Robert Annis Soccer, son of AFA member, Jeffre R. Annis *
Mike Annis - Hall of Fame at Northern High School - 1999
Robert Joseph Annis - 1929-1995, a reserve on the 1950 United States World Cup Soccer Team
- Robert Joseph Annis -National Soccer Hall of Fame
Sally Annis - Basketball Star at Dartmouth - 1993-94 Ivy League Rookie of the Year
Tim Annis - Athletic Trainer at Olivet Nazarene University (Chicago, IL)
Annis in the News
Bradley H. Annis - Promoted to Captain, Boston, MA Fire Department
Charles Annis - Charles Annis Receives Outstanding Achievement Award From Japanese Government
Frances V. Annis - Judge Frances V. Annis - A commendation from the State of Georgia
Gust Annis - Developed a statewide, physically based classification of Missouri's rivers and streams as part of the Missouri Aquatic Gap Project.
Jason Annis - Joy Crow said of Annis' relationship with her son. "This is my way of saying thank you for a gift you can't purchase."
John Annis Norfleet Vincent Award presented to Lt. John G. Annis - Raleigh, NC
- - A Different World - Mentions Raleigh, NC police Captain, John G. Annis
John Frederick Annis Hero
Jenn Annis - Volunteer student with Helping Hands, Inc.
Jonathan Annis - Peace Corps International
Kathleen Annis - University of Notre Dame Fr. Lauck Award 2002
Larry Annis - The Larry Annis Distinquished Service Award
Lawrence Annis - Son wins battle for father's body
Mari Annis - crowned "Dairy Princess"
Neal Annis - New Chef at the "Marika" Restaurant in New York City, as reviewed by Jeffrey Schwarz of the New York Observer - Warning, crude language used in the review.
- Neal Annis - Squash Soup - as reviewed by By Pia Nordlinger of
BBC News UK - Date rape killer of Susan Annis gets life
Peter Annis - Military encampment at Kings Landing Sept. 15-16 (01/09/12)
Rob Annis - Winner of CCAC Community Care awards.
Ted Annis Foundation University of Michigan
- Ted Annis, Chief Executive Officer, NanoBio Corp., Ann Arbor, Michigan
Todd Annis - Chef at Rainwater, Atlanta, GA
Ancient Annises
Albert S. Annis - A biography
Annis Photographs - A collection of photos of the Oshawa, Canada Annis Family - courtesy of Bea McCowan
History of the Town of Skaneateles, NY Mentions Jacob Annis
The Methodist Church in Smethport - Mentions H. W. Annis
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - Captains and Ships - arriving and leaving Philadelphia, PA 1729/30 - Excerpts from Ben Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette - Mentions Captain Thomas Annis and his ship "London Hope"
- More on Captain Thomas Annis and his ship "London Hope"
Bowmanville Canadian Statesman - Misc. Records concerning Annis family members from the Bowmanville, Ontario area
History of Nelson, NY Mentions James Annis (1743-1829) and descendants
Ships Passegers List Mentions William Annis and family who sailed the S.S. Prometheus on May 22, 1853
Caldwell county tax lists Caldwell Co., MO tax lists for 1860, mentions J. C. Annis
Annis Homes
History of Methuen, MA Mention the house at 13 Annis Street that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places
National Register of Historic Places Mentions the home of John M. Annis (1804-1874) of North Royalton, OH
Wireless Telephone For Eveyone - Mentions J. B. Annis, U.S. Signal Corps
An 1895 Sketch of Warner Mentions Daniel Annis (1711-1790) and Descendants
- Warner History Part 4 Mentions George W. Annis
A Battle Fought on Snow Shoes - Mentions William Annis - the story of Rogers's Rangers, March 13, 1758
History of Mapleton, MN Mentions Azro and Ira Annis
Gus Henquenet mentions Marie Annis
History of Mount Pleasant Township, Green County, WI Mentions John Fluette Annis
City of Dryden in Northwest Ontario, Canada Mentions Andrew Ellsworth Annis (1867-?)
Flood of 1902 Mentions Annis Cotton Mills in Warren Co., TN
Blackberry Township History - Kane County, IL Mentions David Wheeler Annis (1812-1877)
Dartmouth College Mentions Phineas Annis
Metz, MI forest fire of 1908 Mentions Jerry Edmond Annis (1876-?)
Handbook of Texas Online: BELLE PLAIN COLLEGE Mentions Rev. Jerome T. L. Annis (1842-1911)
History of the Town of Goffstown, NH Mentions Amos Hadley Annis (1806-1863)
Arkansas Traveler Newspaper of the 19th century that mentions an Annis family of Sumner County
Oklahomans in the Spanish-American War (published 1898) Mentions Earnest G. Annis
Selectman Osgood's Personal Page Describes the Johnson, PA Flood and Warren Annis
The Conscription Crisis Among the Iroquois During World War I Mentions Superintendent of Indian Affairs, G. Annis of Brantford, B.C.
Lawmen and Outlaws - Oklahoma - Biography of Sheriff Orr William Annis 1859-1931
IOWA STATE GAZETTEER AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, FOR 1884-85: Volume III. - Mentions Asa J. and Jesse Annis
When Genesee was Young - Mentions Isaac Annis and Family
Throat Distemper in Haverhill, 1735-7 - Mentions Daniel Annis (1711-1790) and the death of his two daughters
Floyd G. Annis - Biographical Sketch
Personal Genealogy Pages with Annis Family Members
The Annis Family Page Site from an Annis Family in the UK
Belknap Family Mentions ancestors and descendants of Myron A. Annis (1855-1934)
Bray Wilkins Descendants Mentions Lucinda Annis (1819-1860)
Descendants of Emerson Barker Annis Emerson B. Annis (1816-1866)
STEELE Family Ted Steeles Genealogy Web Site Descendant of Rev. Hiram C. Annis (1811-1897) *
William Michael Annis - Denver, CO
Annis Children
Alexandra Annis - Children with Diabetes - Includes photo of little Alexandra
Monster... Look out! - by Liam Zephirin Annis, age 5 - Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators Contest
Kaylee Annis April 17, 2000, Traverse City, MI
Annis Births - Rootsweb data base
Annis/Annas Births - Sebec (Maine) Historical Society
Some Marriages of Sedgwick, Maine Mentions Rebekah Annis and Samuel Black
Kane County, Illinois Marriages - Mentions family of David Wheeler Annis
Annis Obituaries Online
Carrie E. (Annis) Rock 1917-2000
Paul B. Annis 1940-1999
Ronald Edward Annis 1934-1969 A memorial page for the victims of Allegheny Flight 853
Susan D. Annis - 1915-2001 - wife of Louis D. Annis of Dover-Foxcroft, ME
Wilma L. Annis 1940-2000
Annis Cemeteries Online
Northbay Lawn Cemetery, Vienna, NY
Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries Transcription Project
Westernville Presbyterian Cemetery, Westernville, NY
Woodlawn National Cemetery, Chemung, NY
Portland Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, NY
John Down's Cemetery Records #31- Annis-Littlefield Plot
Newton Union Cemetery - Newton, IA
Annis Family in England - Various Records
Returns of Owners Of Land Leicester 1871 - Mentions John, Ellen and Sarah Annis
Frank Annis - Principal at Vassar Road School, Poughkeepsie, NY in the heart of the Hudson Valley.
J. R. Annas - Charlotte, NC Police Officer, killed in the line of duty
Julia Elizabeth Annas - Regents Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Arizona
Nina Hope Annis - Photograph of Nina as English teacher in Wilmore High School, Wilmore, KS, about 1943
Welcome to Upper Dean - Interesting site about Upper Dean, and Stodden, England and the Annis Family that resided(s) there.
Annis Family in the U.S and Canada Directory