Annis Educators
Franklin Joseph Annis 1854-1924
Franklin Joseph Annis 1854-1924
Franklin J. Annis was born January 29, 1854 at Pinckney, MI, the son of Eli and Sophia W. (Darwin) Annis. He married October 27, 1877, Maria Vail at Greeley, CO.
Frank was a highly respected and educated man who left his mark upon two separate field of endeavor. After graduating from the Michigan State Agricultural College, he first moved to northern Colorado and settled at Greeley where he served as Principal of the high school. In David Boyd's book "A History: Greeley and the Union Colony" (1890) we find the following:
Remus Robinson was suceeded as principal in the autumn of 1875 by F. J. Annis. a graduate of the Michigan State Agricultural College. He taught three years, when he resigned to accept the chair of chemistry in the Colorado State Agricultural College. For a young man of limited experience in teaching he did remarkably well, and suceeded in forming in the minds of many of the students under him an enthusiasm for learning and a pride in exact and precise scholarship. He afterwards went to Ann Arbor (MI) and graduated at the law school there. He has been practicing at the bar since his graduation at Fort Collins and is now also doing admirable work at the Agricultural College as Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture and Experiment Station. His reports in this line are admirable, and will be of great value to the agriculture of the state.
Frank's graduation from the University of Michigan Law School at Ann Arbor, MI, and his experience as a teacher aided him in becoming one of Colorado's ablest city attorney's and a highly respected citizen of Greeley and Fort Collins, CO.
A Fort Collin's newspaper reported his obituary on December 19, 1924.
Fort Collins, Dec. 13 - Frank J. Annis, prominent Fort Collins attorney, pioneer of Northern Colorado and one of the members of the first faculty of the State Agricultural college, died at Estes Park shortly after noon Friday from the effects of a paralytic stroke suffered last July. Mr. Annis was born in Wisconsin {ed.note: should be Michigan} seventy five years ago. He came to Colorado in the late 1870's and settled in Greeley, where for several years he served as principal of the Greeley high school. In 1879 he came to Fort Collins to take chair of chemistry as one of the first faculty members of the Agricultural college, serving in this capacity for several years, until he took up the practice of law. He was a graduate of law from the University of Michigan and was one of northern Colorado's most able members of the bar. Early in July, while Mr. Annis was serving as city attorney of Fort Collins, he was stricken by paralysis. Since that time he has failed rapidly and for the last several weeks his condition has been considered hopeless.
Mrs. Annis, who has been staying at the Annis mountain home at Estes Park for the last few weeks, arranged yesterday morning for her husband to be brought to the home there so that she could take care of him. He was taken from the Fort Collins hospital in an ambulance this morning and taken to Estes Park. Shortly after his arrival there he died, the exertion of the trip, it is believed, proving too great, because of his weakened condition. Mr. Annis, besides his wife, is survived by two sons, Claude, who lives in the state of Washington, and Wade, who lives on a ranch near Laramie, Wyo., and one daughter, Marjorie, who lives at Laramie. He is also survived by two brothers living in California.
Frank J. Annis was a member of the Board of Trustees for the newly organized Elks lodge at Fort Collins in 1902-1903.Link: GREELEY COLORADO PROMINENT BUSINESS PEOPLE OF 1877
Lineage: Eli, Benjamin, Benjamin, Rolfe, John, Abraham, Cormac Annis
Verle Annis was born February 12, 1897 at Alderton, Washington, the son of George Fremont and Mary Elena (Woolery) Annis. He married on March 22, 1959 to Elizabeth Naomi Reed {1905-2000} at Santa Barbara, California.
Verle spent his boyhood years in his native Washington State, where his grandfather, Orson Monroe Annis, had pioneered from New York State and Minnesota in 1854. On April 10, 1917, as a young man of 20, Verle enlisted into the United States Army and was assigned to the 63rd Artillery. His regiment went to France and was being held in reserve at La Courtine, France at the time World War One ended (November 1918).
In 1919 he set his course for education and attended the University of Washington (1919-1922) where he engaged in the study of architecture. He then transferred to the University of Pennsylvania in September 1922, and it was from this institution that he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1924, and his Master Degree in 1926.
His love of teaching secured him an Assistant and Associate Professorship at Oklahoma State University, before accepting a Professorship at the University of Southern California. He retired from that prestigious University as a Professor Emeritus in 1962.
In the course of his research and study of Architecture, Verle wrote, and had published the definitive book, The Architecture of Antiqua, Guatemala 1543-1773, which resulted in an honorary doctorate from the University of San Carlos, Guatemala, a gold Medal and certificate as "Illustrious Citizen of Antigua". His retirement was spent between homes in his beloved Antigua, Guatemala and Laguna Beach, CA. Verle's interest in his personal lineage took him on a fifty year research and compilation project that created an accurate genealogical work pertaining to the Annis Family in America. In 1978 he authored., and had published in limited numbers, the genealogical work "The Annis Genealogy, Charles Annis 1638-1717 of Newbury, Massachusetts and His Descendants".
Verle died at Laguna Beach, California in 1983, and on the University of Southern California campus is a fitting monument to a brilliant and dedicated man. The Verle Lincoln Annis Gallery. He had no children. After Verle's death, his widow, Elizabeth, continued to be an ardent supporter of the University. She followed her husband in death on June 25, 2000 at the age of 97.Verle's lineage is: George Fremont Annis 1857-1930, Orson Monroe Annis 1828-1900, Phineas Annis 1803-1880, John Annis 1764-1839, Ezra Annis 1726-1818, John Annis 1700-c.1771, Abraham Annis 1668-1736, Cormac Annis 1638-1717
Arthur Annis was born January 15, 1891 at Bremen, Indiana, the son of Charles Edward and Emma Viola (Balsley) Annis. He married August 8, 1915, to Mary Ann Liza Sausman {1894-1983} at Bremen, Indiana.
Arthur was a high school teacher for 46 years in the Rockford, Illinois public school system. After retirement, he removed to Washington, Illinois, where his daughter and her husband, Judge John A. Holtzman resided. For many years he and his brother, Walter, collected data concerning their family lineage by corresponding with known family members, and tracking down the many collateral families. In the 1950's he contacted Verle L. Annis of California, and for many years they shared their findings. According to Verle, "this common interest has been as much a bond between us as the fact that we share a common ancestor in Ezra (1726-1818)." Arthur was responsible for locating the unpublished manuscript of Alonzo L. Annes, and with Verle, in editing and verifying much of the information it contains.Arthur's lineage is: Charles Edward Annis 1862-1942, Josiah W. Annis 1834-1881, James W. Annis 1794-1876, Jacob Annis 1763-1841, Ezra Annis 1726-1818, John Annis 1700-c.1771, Abraham Annis 1668-1736, Cormac Annis 1638-1717
David Annis was born May 30, 1939 at Grand Rapids, Michigan; married June 7, 1963, Mary Lon Van Ree at Grand Rapids. David attended Central Michigan and Michigan State Universities, and currently is the Superintendent of Allendale Public Schools, Allendale, Michigan. He is a member of the Oakview Reformed Church. His daughter, Karen, was instrumental in furnishing information for this genealogy.
David's lineage is: Gordon Clark Annis 1905-1995, Levi Clark Annis 1864-1940, David Mark Annis 1844-?, William Annis 1813-1905, Levi Annis 1781-1855, Charles Annis 1738-1804, John Annis 1700-c.1771, Abraham Annis 1668-1736, Cormac Annis 1638-1717
Jerry Annis was born April 12, 1938 at Oshkosh, Wisconsin; died March 29, 1990 at Alpena, Michigan; married June 11, 1960, Jane Burrows (divorced), and had two children; married 2nd, August 5, 1982, Kathryn Donajkowski at Alpena, Michigan, no issue.
Jerry attended Northern Michigan University (Marquette), where he obtained his master's degree. He removed to Alpena in 1964, and was engaged as the Community Schools Director for many years, and principal of many Alpena area schools. He was a member of the Trinity Episcopal Church from which his funeral services were held on April 1, 1990.Jerry's lineage is: Clarence Herman Annis 1904-1983, William Edgar Annis 1866-1949, Levi Annis 1840-1929, Levi Annis 1803-1857, Daniel Annis 1772-?, Daniel Annis 1735-1801, Daniel Annis 1711-1790, Abraham Annis 1668-1736, Cormac Annis 1638-1717
Jason Annis was born July 11, 1930 at Minneapolis, Minnesota, the son of Horace and Emma Christine (Moeller) Annis. He married 1955, Joan Shrewsbury, no issue; and married 2nd, 1961, Patty Jean Smith at Manhattan, Kansas, and had two children.
Jason attended the University of Minnesota, where he did his undergraduate work, and received his Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Technological University. He later taught at both of these universities before becoming a mechanical engineering instructor at Kansas State University at Manhattan, Kansas in 1959. He obtained his Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering at that university as well as a degree in Mining Engineering. Presently he works from his home in Manhattan, as a Consultant Engineer. Jason enjoys flower gardening with his wife, Patty, and is a breeder of fine registered horses. Their son, Judd, has a degree in Journalism, and daughter, Melissa received her degree in medicine in May 1996.Jason's lineage is: Horace Annis 1894-1967, Adoniram Judson Annis 1841-1923, Thomas Jason Annis 1815-1893, Thomas Annis 1785-1842, Jesse Annis 1745-1820, John Annis 1700-c.1771, Abraham Annis 1668-1736, Cormac Annis 1638-1717
Frank Knapp Annis was born April 6, 1947 at Concord, New Hampshire, the son of Franklin Pierce and Lois (Knapp) Annis. He was married August 22, 1976 to Mary Scalise at Valley Stream, New York.
Frank is an elementary school principal and currently (2002) resides at Pleasant Valley, New York. He was instrumental in furnishing information long lost information concerning his lineage for this genealogy. His daughters, Brittany (1987) and Megan (1990) were born at Poughkeepsie, New York.
In a letter that he wrote to his students at Vassar Road Elementary School:
This is my first opportunity to say hello and introduce myself. I am delighted to be the new principal of Vassar Road School and I look forward to meeting you soon.
Before coming here, I was Assistant Principal at Gayhead Elementary School. Prior to that, I was Assistant Coordinator of Special Education. I have enjoyed my administrative experiences in the Wappingers School District. It is a wonderful place to work and learn!
At different times, I have taught physical education and special education, both in elementary schools. My wife is a speech therapist. My father was an elementary school principal and my mother was a junior high school physical education teacher. As you can see, education has been and continues to be a very important part of my life.
One of my favorite pastimes is reading picture books to young children. I should have many chances to do that while I am here. Perhaps I will be reading in your child's classroom sometime soon. Stay tuned!
If you have questions or concerns, please call the school. We all need to work together, keeping the lines of communication open and productive. In the end our students... your children... will receive the greatest benefit.
Warmest regards, Frank AnnisThe school's web site can be found at Vassar Road School
Lineage: Franklin Pierce, Grover Cleveland, Franklin Pierce, Herrick Curtis, William, David, Solomon, Daniel, Abraham, Cormac Annis
Russell Wayne Annis was born September 2, 1927 at Omaha, NE, the son of Raleigh O. D. Annis and Clara Ann (Clymer) Annis. He married November 24, 1950, Betty Jean Thompson at Agenda, KS and they had two daughters, Alison Elizabeth (1952) and Jennifer Lee (1956).
Russel and his wife, Betty were both school teachers. In 1958 he went back to school at Kansas University and obtained his Ph.D and taught part time.
Russell also atttended Nebraska U., Northwestern Missouri U., Omaha U., Florida State U., Oklahoma U., London U., New Delhi U., and Canal Zone College. He was past president of American Federation of Teachers (Local 16), past president of Panama Chapter, American Association of University Profssors, Retired Branch Chief Department of Defense Schools, Panama Region.Russell died July 15, 2002 at Albuquerque, NM.
Lineage: Raleigh O. D., Jackson, Thomas, James W., Jacob, Ezra, John, Abraham, Cormac Annis
Other Educators of Unknown Lineage
Regents Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Arizona. Recent works include Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind; The Morality of Happiness; Platonic Ethics Old and New. Consulting editor. ETHICS AND MORALITY; FINAL GOOD; SKEPTICISM IN ANCIENT ETHICS. Contributing editor and contributor, Encyclopedia of Ethics
The following is transcribed from the following: Julia Annas
Julia Annas has enjoyed a highly distinguished and prolific career that began at the University of Oxford. There she received her Honour Moderations in Greek and Latin literature (First Class), her B.A. (with honors), and the prize for the best First Class degree in the Honours School of Literae Humaniores. Harvard University awarded her a master's in 1970, a doctorate in 1972, and the George Plimpton Adams Prize for the best thesis of 1973. In 1983 she received one of the most prestigious awards Classics has to offer, a Junior Fellowship at The Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, D.C. Harvard appointed her to serve as Senior Fellow at The Center from 1993 to 1998. She was elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1992, and Scholar at The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities in 1994. Except for a year at Columbia University, since 1986 she has been a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Arizona, where she was appointed Regents Professor in 1995. She has delivered lecture series at the Sociedad Analítica de Buenos Aires, the Agnes Cummins Lecture Series at University College in Dublin, and the Townsend Lectures at Cornell University. She will deliver the Jellema Lectures on philosophy and religion at Calvin College in the spring of 2000. She also looks forward to a fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, California.
Professor Annas' impact on the study of ancient philosophy cannot be exaggerated. From 1983 to 1992 she served as the founding editor of the single most distinguished series in the field, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. Her first book was a translation with introduction and commentary of Aristotle's Metaphysics Books Mu and Nu, published by Oxford University Press in 1976. Her book An Introduction to Plato's Republic, published by OUP in 1981, was translated into French in 1994. The University of California Press published her book Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind in 1992. Her monumental work, The Morality of Happiness, was published by Oxford in 1993 and translated into Italian in 1998. Her two books with Jonathan Barnes, published by Cambridge, are The Modes of Scepticism (1985), translated into Japanese in 1990, and a translation with notes of Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Scepticism (1994). In 1995 Cambridge published her introduction and notes to a new translation of Plato's Statesman. This year Cornell published her latest book, Platonic Ethics, Old and New. Her current projects include the introduction and notes to a new translation of Cicero's On Moral Ends for Cambridge and a textbook for introductory courses in ancient philosophy for Oxford. Often anthologized are Professor Annas' numerous influential articles on topics in metaphysics, episte- mology, ethics, and political philosophy, and on thinkers ranging from Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, the Stoics, and the Sceptics to Dostoyevsky, Mill, and Kant.
Grants and Memorial Scholorships
Miriam F. Annis Memorial Award
The Miriam F. Annis Memorial Award was established in honor of Miriam F. Annis, a 1928 graduate of Butler University who majored in chemistry. The award recognizes a student who demonstrates the capacity to achieve educational and professional goals and the initiative to seek opportunities to further their progress. Candidates also must display solid citizenship within the University and local communities.
Annis Family Association
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Nina Hope Annis - English teacher in Wilmore High School, Wilmore, KS about 1943.Geoffrey Annis - United Kingdom
Roy Annis - Pembroke Academy
Dr. Patricia Annis biography page
University of Southern California School of Architecture, Verle L. Annis Gallery
University of Southern California Calender of Events