Monday, July 16, 2007

Jack's Arcade

Looks like I'll be starting another project in the next 3 years or so. Bella's Arcade is currently on hold due to the birth of her brother Jack. There's not much left to do but finding the time will be tough over the next few weeks as I adjust to the new schedule.

All that's left is the computer installation/configuration and some touch-up work on the paint job on the back of the cabinet. The new computer parts arrived last week and I'll be putting it together soon, I hope. Here's what I bought:

Hard Drive (80GB)
Processor (Dual Core)
Video Card
RAM (2x512MB)
Power Supply / Case

Now I just have to figure out how to put it all together.


Greg said...

Congratulations! My wife and I just had a daughter 2 months ago and it's put my arcade cabinet project on hold as well : )

Totally worth it though. (I'm sure you already know that - why else would you want a second?)