Want to build your own cabinet? Here are some complete plans in .pdf (Acrobat reader) format made available by the generosity of Tom B. (More to come??? Maybe, so check back!) |
Tom B’s disclaimer: “These are dimensional plans only - you do all the internal/framework for yourself! Some plans are modified in width or depth from arcade originals solely for the purpose of fitting a larger monitor! These are look-alikes, not exact replicas for various reasons. Some cabinets may be exact, some may be dimensionally altered for the purposes of MAME use. |
If you use these plans and make a cabinet, SHOW OFF YOUR WORK! E-mail a picture and/or a web link to your new cabinet to either Tom or this site, and let us post it for the world to marvel at! |
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(c)2002 Massmame Inc. All rights Reserved. No duplication without permission. |