Go here for details on the construction of Pac-Mamea!

powerpill.gif (949 bytes) FAQ powerpill.gif (949 bytes)

Frequently asked questions, and the frequently given answers.  

Over the years, I've gotten over 500 emails regarding this project.  Many are simply praise, some are valid questions that have lead to the addition of further writeups to the site.  Most are questions that are either already answered on this site, or are questions that should be addressed to the maker of products I have used in my cabinet.
In many cases, common sense or a quick Google search would have turned  up an answer, but humans are inherently lazy.  These questions are a quick way to get on my bad side.  I've posted them here to save you the embarrassment.

Is your cabinet for sale?  Would you be able to make a custom cabinet for me?

Where are the plans for your cabinet?

Can you please send me <software, driver, ROM, or artwork>?

I'm new to MAME.  Where can I get the stuff I need to get started?

I really want to try your Dual Strike hack.  Will <old analog arcade control> work with it?

I know you've never discussed <insert name of controller or monitor etc> on your site, but I thought I'd ask you some questions about it anyway.

Do you have an itemized list of what it cost to build your cabinet?

I can't find the <control or hardware> that you used on your cabinet.  Do you have the part number?

Where did you get X, Y, or Z?

I am just basically too busy or lazy, and don't feel like doing any research myself.  Can you give me explicit instructions on how to do X, Y, or Z?  Better yet, can I pay you to just design/hack/build it for me?

Q:  Is your cabinet for sale?  Would you be able to make a custom cabinet for me?
A:  Sorry, it's not for sale, and I don't have the time to make a cabinet for you.

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Q:  Where are the plans for your cabinet?  Can I get a copy somewhere else?  Can you email a copy just for me?
A:  Sorry, I'm not interested in selling plans. I have a full-time job that keeps me quite busy.
All information and any images regarding the design of my cabinet are copyrighted, and distribution of such information outside of this website is forbidden.
I do not take special requests to email plans to individuals.  I have no intentions on selling the plans.

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Q:  Can you please send me <software, driver, ROM, or artwork>?
A:  Uhmmm...NO!  The purpose of this site is to give tips on constructing your own arcade cabinet, not distributing wAreZ.  Don't be surprised to get angry responses when you ask people for their ROMs -- you are asking them to do something illegal.
I have actually received mail of the "i just found out about mame pleez hand over a burned cd with all teh kewl romz thanx" variety.  That is a very good way to make enemies in the home gaming community.  StarRoms has many legal Atari ROMs for a reasonable fee.
Everything I have the rights to distribute is available on the Downloads page.  All the artwork and software I use in my machine is available from the sites on my Links page.  If you need drivers, go to driverguide.com.  If you don't see something on this site, try Google!

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Q:  I'm new to MAME.  Where can I get the stuff I need to get started?
A:  Well, you might try THE OFFICIAL MAME.NET WEBSITE!  The number of times I've gotten this question is a tribute to just how lazy some people can be.  Type "mame" into any search engine, and it's the first link that comes up.  It also appears on my Links page.  I've made it so easy for you!
By the way, Mame.net has their own FAQ, and several different forums.  Instead of posting your MAME questions to me, try the guys who actually write the software.

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Q:  I really want to try your Dual Strike hack.  Will <old analog arcade control> work with it?  Do you have more detailed info about the connections?  Can I use some other gamepad to do the hack?  
A:  Theoretically, the Dual Strike will work with any analog controller with pots in the 5k range, which is standard for most arcade controls.  The exact connections for controls other than the ones I've covered will take some experimentation, usually just swapping the first and third wire on each pot.
All the info I have on the hack is HERE.  If you can't follow the simple diagram, or are afraid to experiment, consider finding a safer hobby.  And don't ask me to send drivers to you -- try driverguide.com instead!
The Dual Strike is no longer produced by Microsoft, so if you want to try another analog gamepad to do the hack, it will probably work.  Try it!

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Q:  I know you've never discussed <insert name of controller or monitor etc> on your site, but I thought I'd ask you some questions about it anyway.
A:  How would I know anything about a product I don't own and have never used?  If you don't see pictures of an Act-Labs lightgun on this site, please don't ask me to give you a review on it!
If you need specific info on a certain arcade related item, try the manufacturers website.  If you want reviews or opinions, start by searching on the BYOAC forums.  After you've made an honest effort to search for the info yourself, try posting your question in the appropriate section of the forums.  You'll probably find someone who knows the answer.  BYOAC is a fountain of home arcade knowledge!

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Q:  Do you have an itemized list of what it cost to build your cabinet?
A:  Sorry.  It would take all day for me to find all the receipts (if they even exist) and total everything up.  Let's just say it's not cheap, especially if you don't already have all of the tools or materials required.  If you don't have an old PC or TV to put in, expect to pay even more.
This project was pieced together over a large time span, and I obtained many of the parts for free or trade, which means I'd have to look up their value.  You can find just about everything you need at Oscar Controls, Ultimarc, Happ Controls, HomeDepot.com or RadioShack.com.

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Q:  I can't find the <control or hardware> that you used on your cabinet.  Do you have the part number?
A:  Probably not.  I never kept a record of part numbers, and I don't feel like searching for old packages (if they even exist) in my mountain of junk to find them.  If you look hard enough, you'll probably find a suitable substitute.


Q:  Where did you get X, Y, or Z?
A:  Check the LINKS page.  I've even included links to manufacturers for you!  I'm sooo nice!

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Q:  I am just basically too busy or lazy, and don't feel like doing any research myself.  Can you give me explicit instructions on how to do X, Y, or Z?  Better yet, can I pay you to just design/hack/build it for me?
A:  If you think you're too busy for this hobby, you should try answering all these questions many times over, maintaining 4 websites, re-designing a complex cabinet, researching all the ins and outs of commercial production and starting a small business (and all the taxes and licenses that go along with it), entertaining several different hobbies, trying to catch up on editing 3 different vacation videos, and finding time to take my wife to a movie once in a while, all while holding down a 50 hour/week day-job! 
If you're really interested in home arcade as a hobby, you're going to have to spend a few hours on Google first.  The sites on my Links page are a good start.  I've practically done all the work for you!

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The information on this site is for the purposes of education and entertainment only.  The owner of this site makes no warantees as to the accuracy of the information, and takes no responsibility for any damage or injury sustained due to the use of information herein.  The design of the Pac-Mamea cabinet and all photos, computer renderings, drawings, schematics, and printed information relating to such are Copyright © 2005 Robert Meyers.  No ownership of other copyrighted material found on this site is implied.