Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Search GOTDs by Year and Company

Now that there are more than 150 GOTDs, I thought it would be nice to have a way to group them so you could see all of them from a certain year or a certain manufacturer.  So, I have labelled each GOTD with the company and year of manufacture.  You can check out the new feature in the right column of the blog just under the "Quick Access to Lists.." links.

They are titled "GOTD by Year" and "GOTD by Company" just click on the year or company you want and it'll show you all the posts related to it.

This is now complete and up-to-date.

So far Sega leads the companies with 13 GOTDs, Taito just behind with 12 and Capcom with 11.

As far as the years go, there is at least one GOTD in each year from 1980-2001.  So far, 1992 leads with 16 entries and 1989 has 14.


  1. Love it! One thing I wanted to mention - guess now it's not that obvious anymore since it's at the bottom but I _think_ the Random Arcadia widget takes a very long time to load and delays everything else. That's really the only thing that ever bothered me (and I could be mistaken) so good job - thanks for taking the time to make everything beautiful.

  2. Agreed on the Random Arcadia - it's kinda weak anyway... So, POOF!

  3. Great! It's perfect. Wanna hang out here all day <3
