Friday, September 16, 2011

The Best Cross-Hair Shooters

There's one GIANT caveat in this genre.  These are all my favorite cross-hair shooters whether they were designed for a joystick or a lightgun, but I do NOT have a lightgun, so I've played them all with the trackball (or joystick).  Remarkably, some of the games play better with a trackball than a lightgun, but many play worse.  So, clearly my ratings are affected by this fact.  I'm sure if I had a lightgun on my system, some games would move up (and subsequently, some would move down).

PLEASE keep in mind that these are the best of the best at the top of my list.  There are hundreds of games I've rated that fall below these games that aren't included in this list.  This is just the highest tier of great games.

Click on the chart to make it larger... If it still isn't readable, right-click and choose "view image" - then you can zoom to full size.


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