Raging Dragon is a Windows-based front end for multiple emulators.
Emulators currently supported are:


July 1, 2002 They changed the ini file in the newest version of winamp.....
They removed the entry that dj used to get the file extensions.  For now users can add a extlist=mp3 in the winamp.ini for a quick fix.  ~Howard


June 20, 2002 The source code for the Dragonator Jukebox 2.0 is now available on the downloads page.  The compiled version download has also been updated to include the previously missing backround.jpg file.  ~Howard


June 19, 2002 The Dragonator Jukebox 2.0 has been released!  Get it from the usual place.  If anyone gets an "msmask" error, please contact me for a fix.  ~Howard.


May 30, 2002 The Dragonator JukeBox has been released.  Check out a screenshot here, and download it here!.  It has also been added to the Downloads page.  Please note that the jukebox is a Winamp frontend, and not a skin or standalone app.


May 20, 2002 "There comes a time when all things must cease to be.  And so it is time to lay to rest on such lost soul, who's usefulness has ran out.  Alas poor Dragon I knew ye well.  Thou shalt be missed.  But fear not, for it is written that all things magical can never be destroyed. It will return someday."

As of this point Raging Dragon is officially a dead project.  I no longer plan to support this front-end or it's support files in any way.  Stay tuned for the rebirth.  ~Howard


April 25, 2002 Reminder:  Please only send Raging Dragon related email to my  address lazarus@oscarcontrols.com.  Thanks!  ~Howard


April 24, 2002 Update on the skin contest for the re-release of Raging Dragon.

First place wins a complete rom set and artwork packs for mame/zinc/modeler/ki1/ki2 on cd-rom.  By the time the contest is ready to be judged, there may be more... so keep sending in the skins!


April 1, 2002 A contest is going to be held for the "official" skin for the re-release of the Raging Dragon front end.  At the present time, there isn't a fixed deadline for the contest and the prizes are yet to be determined.  This post is just to give some of you graphic artists a heads-up in case you are interested.  Keep watching here for more details of the contest, but in the meantime:


1.  Graphic does NOT include an actual skin file or sounds, (for now) but only consists of the background.jpg

2.  Background.jpg must be 1024*768 or higher res.

3.  The skin should at least include spots for the flyer, marquee, logo/status caption, and screenshot.

4.  The skin should be designed to use list view.

5.  The skin should incorporate a "dragonesque" theme.

The skin MUST be submitted to lazarus@oscarcontrols.com

First place wins ???

Upon my approval it will become the official rd skin and be included in further releases after it's been properly finished by the author of course.  ~Howard


March 17, 2002 Final Burn Alpha has added command line support back in.  This means that it is now supported by Raging Dragon in the same manner as Raine.  ~Howard


March 11, 2002 "It has come time for the young dragon to rest before growing into the next stage of it's life and become more powerful..."

Much of the core code is going to be re-written before the next release of the Raging Dragon front end, so it may be some time before a new version is available.  ~Howard


March 3, 2002 Beta 5 patch available on the Downloads page.  All users of Raging Dragon Beta 5 should download this file!  After you install this patch, you must reload your skin by changing to a different one, and then changing back.

A new skin is available on the Skins page:  Bad Dudes vs. the Raging Dragon.  This skin takes advantage of the new logo element of Beta 5.  Check it out!

The skinner application was missing in the previous Beta 5 distribution.  It is now included in the current Raging Dragon download, or available on it's own here.

The primary Raging Dragon Beta 5 has been updated to version Beta 5a, which includes the above-mentioned patch and skinner application...  just in case you would rather download a fresh copy of everything.

[editor's note:  The documentation for Raging Dragon will be moved totally online as soon as I get a chance to make the pages for it.  In the meantime, you can download the .doc file here.  --OSCAR]



March 1, 2002 Beta 5 released!  See below for the updates, fixes, bugs, etc...

Whats New

All paths are fully configurable and there are 20 to choose from.
New, translucent menus that are 95/98 compatible.
A new mouse scrolling system. (Still a tad buggy.)
Better resolution changing support.
MameInfo.dat / History.dat support.  (Be sure to re-define your keys since you have a new one now.)
Cleaned up the ScreenSaver mode (still a wip, so it’s WAY too fast right now.)
Oh yeah Daphne and Raine are now supported.

Known Bugs

The first time you hit the mute key you may get a random menu on the screen.
(will be fixed VERY soon)

Future Releases

The ORIGINAL Final Burn support.
Much better Rom categorizing support.
The ability to show/hide adult games as well as clones.
An intelligent display feature that will show clones even when their turned off if a working parent doesn’t exist for MAME yet. 
Any suggestions?

It is important that you configure the heavily commented dragon.ini file to set your paths properly and unless you have at least one entry in the extra list, it won't run.  I'll try to fix this very soon and it will be released as a patch shortly.

Get Raging Dragon Beta 5 from the Downloads page!  ~Howard

Feb 16, 2002 A couple of previews of the upcoming Beta 5.  The first preview is of the main screen, and the second shows the mameinfo/history screen.  Some very cool features in store for this version.  Stay tuned...  ~Howard


Feb 14, 2002 The CatSort utility has been updated to version 3.0 courtesy SirPoonga from the BYOAC.  This version adds command line support which will make life easier for Front End developers as they wont have to code rom sorting anymore.  Instructions are included in the download.  Get it from the Downloads page.  ~Howard


Feb 12, 2002 The CatSort utility has been updated to version 2.0.  This fixed the trailing slash bug and added other the other suggestions that appeared on the BYOAC message board.  Get the new version on the Downloads page.  ~Howard


Feb 11, 2002 A new utility called Cat Sort has been added to the Downloads page.  It is a simple, yet useful utility for categorizing your roms.  This program is unsupported, so if somehow your roms are destroyed, don't blame me.  Really, it works very well and instructions are included.  ~Howard


Feb 7, 2002 A new skin has been added to the Skins page:  Mr. T vs. the Dragon.  Thanks to EnemyAce for this unique skin.  Enjoy foos!

Also, a preview of Beta 5 showing an unreleased skin called Brick.  ~Howard


Feb 5, 2002 Three more skins added to the Skins page... they are Dimension, Metal MAME, and The Hunt.  These skins were created by Oscar.  Check them out!


Jan 31, 2002 Happy Birthday Raging Dragon!!

Ok so it’s not its birthday really, (I don’t know though, 3 months has got to be a lot in dragon years.) but three months is a long time for a front-end to stick around and still generate as much traffic as the rd does. It’s came a long way and to celebrate I’ve worked very hard on trying to stabilize the code for a special release. I’ve also taken those original skins and re-vamped them to go along with rd’s new direction. This could be the last release for some time so I didn’t my best to wrap things up as they stand.

I would feel guilty if I didn’t give thanks to all those who’ve helped me. First off, I should thank Ed for that wonderful ArcadeFx design. We’ve all ripped off his design, so I’d have to give him credit for it. Also Cyberpunk donated a very crucial part of the rd, namely the original cabinet picture. He also gave me this nice little resize applet that clears up a lot of my headaches. Lilwolf and Boris have also helped out a lot on little things when I have a question. They also give me a lot of healthy competiton. Peter of Emulaxion fame has also helped out a great deal. He knows his stuff and is willing to give advice whenever you need it. It seems we may be combining our efforts for certain portions of our front ends in the future as well, which will be wonderful for the community I think. There have also been a lot of users that regularly help me out, namely EnemyAce and Bluepoint. These guys in particular are always willing to give a suggestion or help me find new bugs. Of course I should thank Christian for mirroring all the files, which is always good.

Oh yeah there’s one more guy too. Kelsey (You may know him as Oscar) has basically saved the Raging Dragon single handedly. He was generous enough to not only give the rd a home, but also design and administrate the homepage as well. Everything you see on this page is done by him, even those little posts with the “~Howard” at the end. He takes my incoherent babble and endless ramblings and makes it legible to the general public, which I’m sure, has become a full-time job. He does all the work of putting together the page and organizing all of the zips and packaging them up. He’s also my #1 beta tester. Maybe we should all thank him by buying some of those wonderful 4-way joystick plates that are available now on the parent site. :)  ~Howard

[editor's note:  Thanks, Howard!   -- Oscar]

And Finally...

S11 artwork has been added to the downloads page.

All of the old skins have been updated to be used with the latest version of Raging Dragon.  Twelve skins in all to choose from!  Get them from the Skins page.  If anyone would like to submit a skin, please feel free to send it in.

Raging Dragon has been updated to Beta 4 FINAL!  Get it from the downloads page.  Here's what's new:

Fixed all known bugs
New re-design of the default skin
Added a spacer and an alignment option to the lists and updated the skinner accordingly.
All the options even the ones at the bottom of the ini file now work

Future Features

Known Bugs



Jan 28, 2002 Raging Dragon Beta 4B is now available on the downloads page.  This version addresses various minor bug fixes, as well as a cosmetic fix that hides the Windows desktop when a skin is loaded.

Another new skin has been added to the Skins page.  This one is called B.F.C., see if you can tell why.  ;)  ~Howard


Jan 27, 2002 A new skin has been added to the Skins page.  Enter... Okama!  This excellent skin is courtesy of BluePoint.  ~Howard


Jan 25, 2002 Raging Dragon Beta 4 released!

Some of the highlights:
S11 Emulator support added
Switched over to .ini files (You must set this up externally now).
Readme riles have been moved to the “Documentation” folder for neatness.
A more pleasing highlight.

Check out the What's New file for a comprehensive list of all the changes and new things to come.  Get the new Raging Dragon from the downloads page.  ~Howard


Jan 23, 2002 A preview of a new skin for Beta 4!  Coming soon to a MAME cab near you... :)  ~Howard


Jan 20, 2002 The FAQ page has been updated to version 2.0.  BTW, I am aware of the label shifting bug in the skins...  I'm looking into it and hope to have a fix soon.  ~Howard


Jan 18, 2002 Preview of the upcoming Raging Dragon Beta 4 menu system.  Special thanks to Just Michael for helping out with a few things.  ~Howard


Jan 15, 2002 A couple of people have reported harmful results when they try to install the skinner... It has to do with vb's install routine...
When installing the skinner you should ignore any errors, and that you should NOT let the app overwrite any of your system files.  ~Howard


Jan 12, 2002 Raging Dragon Beta 3C has been added to the downloads page.  This version fixes some minor bugs.  Thanks to Cedar C.!  ~Howard

Raging Dragon has been updated to version Beta 3B and has been added to the downloads page.  Anyone having problems with Beta 3 should download the new version.

Some people are getting 480 errors when starting Raging Dragon Beta 3....
I'm working on it, but there is a workaround....
First off, make sure you have a default.m3u file..
It can be totally blank, that's ok.
Now go into the Rd and go into the config menu and set the skin..
Save, let it shutdown, and restart it.
Ignore any errors....
Now your ready to go....

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience...  ~Howard

Jan 11, 2002 Raging Dragon Beta 3 released!  Get it at the downloads page.

- Any exe/game can be added to Rd in the custom list via the “extra.lst” file…
- Full skin support including screen preview.
- Visual Pinball support.
- Joystick support via the joystick.ini file…
- An exit feature for those who don’t have the esc key…. it’s self-explanatory so I won’t go into it… just be glad it works.
- The skin box now works like a toggle switch, so you don’t have to type in the folder name anymore.
- Screensaver mode has improved a lot now… much more stable.

New skins and other cool features with this release.  Check it out! 

Special thanks to EnemyAce for compiling the VP table lists.

Please note that upon first run of this version, you must hit 'Tab' and set the default skin.  If you don't, you will get a plain black screen because no skin has been loaded.  ~Howard


Dec 28, 2001

The skinner app is almost finished.  Here's a preview screenshot of Raging Dragon Beta 3 in the default skin with the flyers turned on, a new skin called Ice Dragon, and a pic of the skinner application itself.  ~Howard


Dec 25, 2001

A better documented "What's New" is available for Raging Dragon Beta 2. The readme file included in the zip didn't get updated with many of the new features.

Version 1.1 of the ListGen program is available on the downloads page. This version fixes a sorting bug.

A Holiday surprise!  A patch for Beta 2 is available on the downloads page.  The patch gives a 15-30% speed increase for game scrolling.  There are no bug fixes or other new features with this patch.  Just overwrite the existing Raging_Dragon.exe file with the patched version.

Also, the screenshot page has been updated to reflect Beta 2, and the website has been revised slightly for easier navigation. ~Howard


Dec 19, 2001

Here it is... the new face of the Dragon.  As already posted, the next release of Raging Dragon will be released on Dec 23rd, and the Screenshot page will be updated with the latest look at that time.  ~Howard


Dec 17, 2001

Watch for the new release of Raging Dragon on Dec. 23rd at the usual time.

I finally got around to a ListGenerator program.  You MUST read the readme file before running it since the list must be pre-configured before the execution of the program.  You can get it on the downloads page.  ~Howard


Dec 16, 2001

New screenshot... The gamelist has been revised and the transparent list seems to be working.  Again, please let me know what you think, and thanks for all the emails received so far!  ~Howard


Dec 14, 2001

Here's a screenshot of the upcoming release of Raging Dragon.  I would welcome any feedback on the new layout.

...oh, and the game list won't be a small list like in the screenshot.  I'm thinking it would be semi-transparent and range from the top to bottom of the screen.  I'm still working on technical issues with the design, so that may change as well.  ~Howard


Dec 9, 2001

There will be another release of Raging Dragon soon.  The new release will be mostly coding and stability fixes, and perhaps  additional emulator support.  ~Howard


Dec 8, 2001

Modeler image pack has been added to the downloads page.  Special thanks to Xray1 for help with the flyers.  ~Howard


Dec 2, 2001

Impact image pack has been added to the downloads page.  An undocumented feature of the latest release allows you to place these in "MAME-style" image directories under your Impact directory.  ~Howard


There won't be any updates made to the front end for the next 1-2 weeks.  I have other work that needs some attention right now. :)  ~Howard


Nov 30, 2001

-- Update --
If you downloaded Beta 1 prior to Dec 1, 1:30AM EST, please re-download.  A color glitch has been repaired that didn't appear under Windows Xp.

As promised!!!  Raging Dragon Beta 1 released at 12:00AM EST.
Get it from the downloads page.  Here's a list of improvements from the Alpha releases:

- Mute function
- Better key support
- Support for Modeler
- True support for Modeler and Impact (selects game for you)
- A more "mouse-friendly" GUI
- Expedited scan routines for ROM searches
- Fix ROM search bugs as well as game list "boxes" glitch
- New, less buggy, configuration menu
- Working screensaver
- Preview mode for marquees and other artwork
- Other miscellaneous updates I forgot

Things to look for in the next release...

- Special display switcher for ATI video cards
- Auto-executing registration routine with critical files included
- Toggle info via the mameinfo.dat (maybe)
- What's Raging Dragon without a Dragon's Lair?
- High-res, pre-rendered, Donkey Kong anyone?





 Technical Contact
Howard Casto

Website Maintenance