Annis Virtual Cemetery

The following was found on the grave marker of Loy Annis who died April 27, 1922 in Colorado.

“Having loved gleaming silvery stars,
I fear not the calm, black velvet night,
for ever are flights of golden butter-flies wisp
guiding me toward the light.“

I have located the final resting places of many members of the Annis Family in the past few years, and it seems only proper that this information is shared with the extended family. I have listed the following burials by location and lineage so that it may be seen how the individuals mentioned in the records are related to the early colonist. In some cases there is doubt as to the relationship of the individuals and this will be noted also. Whenever possible the listings are in family group, that is, Father, Mother, Children.
My thanks to the many family members who have contributed information for this page. Some of the individuals are linked to further information about them at the the
Annis Family in the United States and Canada site.

If you have information concerning the burial place of an Annis family member, please contact me at the following:

To access the individual cemeteries, simply click on the link to the State or Province that it is located in below. Check back often as these pages are constantly updated. When you access the State or Province page, you will be able to choose and access the individual cemeteries

This page last updated July 18, 2009

Lineage Code

Cormac Annis Descendant

Charles Annis (Barnstable, MA) Descendant

Andrew Annis Descendant

Jeremiah Annas Descendant

Robert R. Annis (Tennessee) Descendant

Richard Annis Descendant

Samuel Annis Descendant

Other Documented Lineages

Unknown Lineage


United States


The United Kingdom

Foreign National, Military Cemeteries

and War Memorials


Annis Obituaries

Find a Grave
- 33 Million Grave Listings

Annis Family in the US and Canada Directory

Annis Family Association

Annis Family Links

Please contact me if you have further information about the family members that are buried at these cemeteries, or if you have new information about other family members. - Michael Annis

Copyright 2009 - AnnisFamily Association