For instance, there is a running event where the only thing you do is move the joystick in a reverse circle as quickly as you can. There is a log sawing event where you move the joystick back and forth quickly to saw the log. There are events where you start with one button (timing) and then button mash on the other button (to throw or run). There are events where you use the joystick and buttons in combination to achieve the goal. Anyway, you get the picture, the imaginative uses of the controls and the primal drive of the competition (I know I can get a better time!) make the game a great diversion.
Some other things that make the game effective include a wide variety of events (10), ability to pick your next event, humorous cave-manny graphics, and varying difficulty levels at the different events. So, when you are done playing T & F and want to keep the sweat going, crank up B.C. Story.
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