Monday, September 26, 2011

Arguechart - How the Classics Have Held Up

Some games are as fun today as when I played them 30 years ago.  Some, I scratch my head and wonder how I fed it so many quarters.  So, thought I'd create a chart of old school classics indicating how much I liked them in the arcade in the 80s and how much I like them now.  Here's how to read the chart.

The vertical axis (Y) is how much I liked the game then (80s arcades).  The higher the game is vertically on the chart, the more I liked it then (regardless of how left or right it is).

Thus, I didn't like Crystal Castles or Tapper much back then  (bottom) - but I loved DK, Omega Race, Tempest and others (top).

The horizontal axis (X) indicates how much I like the game NOW.  The more to the right the game is, the more I like playing it TODAY.

Thus, I don't like Gorf, Crystal Castles, etc. NOW (left side) - but I love Tempest, Robotron and Black Widow NOW.

So, here are some examples...

Gorf is in the upper left.  Anything near here means I loved it then and don't like it now, so Gorf and other nearby games had the biggest fall off in how much they held up.  I loved Gorf in 1980, and now I play it and think - this bites.  You can see that Donkey is another game I think did not hold up too well.  It is very high (I loved it then), but much more to the left than to the right (don't love it so much now).

Tempest is in the upper right - I loved it then and I love it now.

Crystal Castles is in the lower left - Didn't like it then, still don't now.

And games that surprised me the most recently, games that I did not like back then, but do like now, are in the lower right quadrant... Black Widow for instance.  Hardly paid attention to it back then, now it's one of my favs.  Just above that is Robotron.  I liked it okay then (it's in the middle of the up/down axis), but I loooovvvvveeee it now (all the way to the right.

Go ahead and comment or email me and tell me what a buffoon I am.


  1. LOL! It's cool how you systematize things which are abstract... FWIW, in my upper right corner would be Crime Fighters 2/Vendetta, Elevator Action, Fatal Fury Series and Ghosts'n Goblins. In my lower right one, The Killing Blade, Rygar, Martial Masters, 64th Street, Puzzle Bobble Series and 194x Series.
    Anyway, very nice your blog. It has an adult approach of arcade games, which is very appreciated in these days of NextGen frenzy. Congrats.

  2. You fool! Ghosts'n Goblins should definitely go to the upper right corner of the graphs :-P

  3. That probably won't be the last time today that I'm called a fool.
