Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Game of the Day - GunSmoke


Call it Gun.Smoke or Gun Smoke or GunSmoke depending on who you believe.  It's one of my new favorite games.  A game I never knew in the arcades, but have lots of fun with now on MAME.  It's a combo walk around / omni / vertical shooter - a new genre I'll call Womnivert.  The thing that makes GunSmoke special is the button/shooting scheme.  Your dude always faces forward (you use the 8-way JS to move around), and you use the three buttons to fire at all different angles - depending on which button or combination of buttons you press.  Here is an excerpt of the original flyer...
So there are 6 different ways/angles to shoot. Including pushing each combo of two buttons simultaneously (even the outside two).  It makes for a completely different game experience than most other shooters. So, to reiterate, there are no bombs or grenades, etc., all three buttons fire your gun - but which button or combo of buttons you press is what controls the angle your gun fires at.

After being so used to using the JS to choose where I'm firing, it took a little getting used to, but totally worth it.

The game play is challenging and there are a few power ups (speed, bullet speed, bullet range).  The graphics are simple, but fun and effective.  Play it and see.  I've linked a video someone posted on youtube of the gameplay.


  1. I used to played it on my NES years ago, but never tried it on MAME. I think it's time to do that... Superbly fun shooter, at least on NES...
