Sunday, September 25, 2011

Game of the Day - Black Widow

Here's my description of Black Widow... it's Robotron 2084 Lite with Spiders and Vector Graphics.  It's a dual joystick game that plays a lot Robotron (or Smash TV or Total Carnage).  You move around the web with the left JS and shoot with the right.  Enemies come from everywhere and when you kill them they turn into dollar signs (why???).  The faster you collect the dollar signs, the more they are worth.  Also, another enemy is the eggs they leave.  You have to use your spider to push them off of your web (either to the inside or outside of the web) before they hatch into full blown enemies.  There are also grenade type enemies who explode when you kill them and you have to avoid their blast radius as it expands or you die.  It's not nearly as chaotic as Robotron, but if you like one, you'll like the other.  By the way, like Tempest, you get to choose your starting level (and your choices are based on where you finished in the last game).


  1. Looks interesting, despite I'm really a neophyte on vector games. I don't know... they're so ugly... Well, I think I'll consider more the fun part here...
