Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Game of the Day - Boogie WIngs

It's difficult to describe how good Boogie Wings is.  It's a horz shooter with unbelievable graphics and gameplay.  Tons of weapons, tons of diff vehicles you can occupy and enemies of all types.  At the beginning, you have a hook dangling from your airplane and you can pick things up with it (almost anything) and they dangle below you (you can see this in the above pic where another airplane is hanging from the hook).  Then you can speed up or slow down to have the hook swing around and hit things.  Early on, there's a great graphic of a ferris wheel that comes apart that you have to avoid.  Later there are zeppelins and a trojan horse to name a few cool things.  In all, it's great for every important reason including smooth and compelling game play action.  Just go play it and see.

ADDITIONAL LATE NOTE!  I just went and played Boogie Wings again.  I had forgotten how many great things there are.  You can pretty much pick up anything with your hook, including enemy men that you can than use your momentum to throw all over the place.  I picked up a fire hydrant and a Santa.  It's crazy.  BUT, the other main thing is that when you lose your plane, you run on foot and can shoot in all directions like Metal Slug, etc.  You also get to choose your next level after you complete the first one and they are all very different from one another.  Oh, and the music is good, too.  Incredible game.


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