Okay, it's been around for a while, but I do have to point out what a good controller the XBOX 360 Wireless Controller for Windows is. I still like to play most MAME games with the arcade joystick and buttons built into the control panel, but for some games, the XBOX controller really adds to the experience. The ability to map any button in the MAME software makes for some really creative uses and the analog sticks and trigger controls really help on some shooting and driving games. I use it the most on fighting games as the joypad (hat button) is very smooth and helps with making combos. If you don't have one with your MAME setup/PC, get one.

The more interesting news is that Microsoft is coming out with a new WIRELESS steering wheel. It's called the XBOX 360 Wireless Speed Wheel. It's out in October. I've tried a couple of different steering wheels and wasn't thrilled (I returned them). Some of the problem with them was the way they clamped on just wasn't convenient or stable. That's why this new device seems awesome. Just being able to hold it how you want and play the games wirelessly with all the buttons right there on the handles seems very cool. There aren't a lot of details to be found online about it, but Microsoft claims that all new wireless controllers (including this one) will work with the windows/PC wireless receiver that came with the original 360 contoller for windows. I'm certainly gonna get one when they come out.
Hi. Saw mention of your blog on BYOAC. Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure about the wireless wheel. Something about holding your hands out in front of you for an extended period of time seems like it'd be AWFULLY tiring after, oh, just a few minutes. Personally, the ideal solution is a full on driving cabinet, but... well, they're huge. That wireless xbox controller though. Hmmm. I've got two Logitech chillstreams, and I lve the fans inside that blow on your hands, but they are wired... Wireless would be nice.
Have to agree with this. Xbox 360 controller is the ideal game pad for Mame, and I'm finding most emulators. I love being able to use both sticks for Robotron and games with twin stick setup. Also love having the choice of the analog stick or the pad as main control. For Atari 2600 I still like the original controller (I have a usb version) but for most everything else the xbox controller works great.