Thursday, December 8, 2011

Game of the Day - Bang Bead

Okay, it's Pong.  But it's Pong 4G.  Or Pong Y2K more to the point.  Bang Bead came out in 2000 and is a fun, down & dirty sports game.  Unlike Pong, you get to move your player all over the court (not just up and down).  And unlike Pong, you get to hit the ball with force...

So, if you are just in front of the ball, it bounces off you.  If you push the "A" button you HIT it back.  If you push the "B" button, you slide or dive for the ball.  If you push the "C" button, you do the super/power hit - but only when your power gauge is full.

You choose a player when you start and they have slightly diff attributes.  And then, off you go.  When you first start the game, there are protective stars behind you that make up your goal line.  Those have to be eliminated first to make space for the ball to score.  So, you can strategically plan to defend based on what stars remain on your side.

The graphics are light, cartoony and fun.  Most important of all, the action is good.  The ball can get whipped into a pretty good frenzy and take your best reactions to return it.  While it's a fun game against the computer, like most sports games, Bang Bead is at its best against another gamer.


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