Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Game of the Day - Heavy Smash

Heavy Smash is a fun hockey/soccer/bball game that is really just an updated version of the old game "Speedball".  But that's okay, because it's well done and a good time.

If you don't know of Speedball, basically you control a player as part of a team and you need to throw the ball in the other team's goal.  You can pick the ball up and run around, pass it to teammates, do special moves and throw the ball in the goal from almost anywhere.  On defense, you can tackle/punch opponents to steal the ball - there are no holds barred.  The goalie is/can be controlled automatically by the CPU.  As with most sports games, the guy you control changes to the player who has the ball on offense and to the player who is the nearest to the ball on defense.

The passing, shooting and special shots are satisfying and the action is fun.  Best of all, you can throw the ball so hard that even though the goalie catches the ball, the momentum carries the goalie into the goal and your score anyway.  You can also master passing and shooting by bouncing the ball of the corners of the stadium to yourself or your teammates.

Graphics are very colorful and humorous.  And as I write in almost every sports game review, the game is even more fun when you play against a human (or close) opponent.


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