Saturday, December 10, 2011

Game of the Day - Twin Eagle II

What good is a vert shooter if you can't blow up everything in sight?  Well, don't worry about TE2, because - KABOOM! - you can.  Cars, trains, tanks and most fun of all, buildings can all be vaporized by your missiles.  In fact, in some levels, your air-to-ground missiles are necessary to blow up most things because there are very few airborne targets.  Some levels, the targets are more balanced - and some levels, almost exclusively air-to-air.

You have 3 buttons.  One for airborne fire, one for missiles that head to the ground and one for a super whirling-dervish type bomb.  Power-ups come in many forms, but most are gained by blowing up buildings that then reveal colored trucks to destroy and then, colored parachutes to collect.

The graphics are early stage quasi photo-realistic.  While they are a little muddy and not entirely smooth, they are very effective and fun to look at.  And the fact that all things can be blown-up and have some sort of animation graphics to represent that is awesome.

So, get in your chopper, blast away at everything in your way and have fun with TE2.


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