Monday, October 3, 2011

Game of the Day - Alligator Hunt

The aliens don't really look like alligators (and I wouldn't want to kill any alligators anyway) but Alligator Hunt is a roaring good time.  It is a cross-hair shooter wherein you blast away at everything on the screen.  You are placed in several different scenarios with drastically different looks, one of them looking a lot like a cartoonish version of The Terminator's world.  Our hero (you) is a little punk on a skateboard and pretty cheesy, but the rest of the game is well done and has great and well-balanced action.  There are occasional interludes where you have to launch a spaceship off a ramp and do other non-shooting things.  These levels are weird and interrupt the good action, but don't detract from how much I overall love the game.  Make sure you are using the right version (unprotected), you know you are playing the wrong version if you don't see any enemies coming at you on the first level.

Alligator Hunt is a good example of "don't judge a book by it's cover" - the splash screen and cartoonish graphics of the first level aren't encouraging, but stay with it, it's great.


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