Friday, October 21, 2011

Game of the Day - Armored Warriors

Armored Warriors is a side scrolling beat-em-up platformer with lots of weapons.  You can start as any of four characters who then put on some whacky armor and it's off to battle.  The fun here is in the very good graphics, solid gameplay and variety of weapons and power-ups.  The graphics are particularly good and detailed when you use the drastically diff kinds of weapons (drill, guns, saw, etc).  Also, you fight against other big armored dudes and tiny little men that you can steamroll.. nice.  You can gain power-ups and new weapons all over the place, the weapons attach to your armor in different ways.  Sometimes, when you kill an opponent, his weapons fly off and you can pick them up and add them to yours.

There are three buttons to go along with a joystick.  The buttons are direct attack (punch), jump and weapon attack (your artillery can be limited).

Colorful and creative stuff, one of my favorites of this genre.


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