Sunday, October 16, 2011

Game of the Day - Liberator

If Freddy Krueger reached down the throat of Missile Command and turned it guts inside-out, you'd have Liberator.  Or, another way of saying it, if Missile Command walked in the the hall of mirrors at a carnival, it'd see some twisted version of itself in the curved mirror, and that would look like Liberator.

Liberator plays just like Missile Command, use move the trackball around the screen and launch missiles from your ships to destroy the flying enemy missiles and ships.  But there are some differences from MC.  First, your ships are in the four corners of the screen.  They are what you have to protect, like the cities in MC.  Second, the enemies come at you from the rotating planet in the middle.  Missiles are lunched from enemy bases on the planet.  You have to destroy these bases on the planet to end the level.  Meanwhile, you have to destroy the missiles they have launched before they destroy your ships.  So, focus on the bases as much as you can, but protect those ships.  Third, you have shields.  Limited use shields protect your ships from incoming missiles for a second if it's too late to destroy them with fire.  The shields are operated by button #2.  Also, you only have one fire button (unlike MC) and your missiles are always launched from the nearest ship.

Another interesting aspect of the game is that the planet with the enemy bases rotates.  So not all the bases are visible at all times, and you have to wait for the planet to rotate to bring the bases back around.  There's more stuff to discover but you get the picture.  The graphics suck, but it doesn't matter.


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