Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Game of the Day - Hyper Athlete (or how to get a workout on MAME)

If you want to workout and get giant muscle-bound arms, simply play Hyper Athlete.  It's a 1996 Konami game that is just a 'roided up version of Track & Field in 3D.  LOTS more events - 11 in all.  And you can choose which order you play them in.  Make no mistake, I like T & F better and the graphics are a little fugly on this game, but there is one glaring reason why Hyper Athlete is today's GOTD.  The swimming event.

If you've ever played T & F (and if not, you shouldn't be reading this blog), you know how pumped up you can get when you do the 100 meter dash or the 110 hurdles.  Those last 9 to 13 seconds (usually).  In Hyper Athlete (this is not '88 games or Hyper Sports, don't get them confused), the swimming event lasts approximately 60 seconds.  That's right, you are pounding on the two buttons as fast as you can without letting up for a full minute.  When you are done, your arms will feel like Popeye.  It's crazy fun with multi-players - both players pounding side-by-side. And make sure you turn the air conditioning up before you play, 'cause you'll be sweating soon.


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