Sunday, October 23, 2011

Game of the Day - Colony 7

Colony 7 is a little like Missile Command.  You destroy incoming enemies from ground based guns before the guns and your cities are blown up.  Instead of incoming missiles, they are ships shooting at/bombing you.  You have to destroy the ships, and you do this by moving the cross-hair and firing your weapon.  The big difference between this and Missile Command is that you control the cross-hair with a joystick, not a trackball.  The weapon automatically fires from both your guns simultaneously.  If one of your guns takes direct fire, it blows up and you only fire from the other.  If you lose both, you are a goner.  Also, you have to protect your cities from fire.  They are below a little protective belt/shield that takes the enemy fire first and gets chipped away.  Once holes are exposed, your cities and fuel cells (I'll explain) are vulnerable.  You get more bonus at the end of a round with more cities left (like MC).

You have 3 buttons, but NOT like MC.  One button fires your guns.  The 2nd button (Mega-Blaster) creates a temp shield that kills enemies in its event horizon as it expands.  The 3rd button (Eradicator) is a super-bomb that annihilates everything on the screen (once per round).  The Mega-Blaster can be used up to 3 times (once per fuel cell as shown with your cities), but if you lose a fuel cell to enemy bombs, you can no longer use the associated Mega-Blaster.  Each fuel cell turns blue once it has been exhausted (Mega-Blaster fired).

Another cool touch is that the game always informs you of how many enemies remain before the round ends.

Graphics are sparse but don't take away from the fun.


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