Sunday, October 2, 2011

Game of the Day - Mazinger Z

Mazinger Z is based on  the Anime of the same name.  It is a gorgeous, traditional type of vertical shooter.  You select from three giant robots to pilot and it's off to the races...  Mazinger Z differentiates itself with very crisp and unique graphics, (the whole look is awesome - background, robots, enemies, etc.) and some very unique and interesting bosses.  The game play is great, too.  There are 3 buttons to use (weapon fire, short range attack, special weapon).  The normal weapon fire can change types (as usual in these games) and each one can be powered up by continuing to grab the same color capsules.  There's not a lot that is different in the mechanics of the gameplay versus other vertical shooters, but Mazinger Z does it better, crisper and more beautifully than 98.56% of all the others.  I dare you to go play it and tell me I'm wrong.


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