Thursday, November 24, 2011

Game of the Day - Burning Force

Burning Force is essentially Space Harrier with 'roided up graphics.  However, in the first level, you are at sea level and you don't go up & down.  So while the perspective is Harrierish, the controls are simpler.  Level 2 puts you in another type of vehicle and you are flying - thus adding the element of 3D flying to your shooting (and as such, up & down to the controls).  There are power-ups to collect by driving, jumping or flying thru them and you start with a finite number of missiles that you need to conserve.

Mostly, the game is fun because of the execution of the graphics and collision detection.  The sea/ground-level flows well, and the enemies and landscape elements are very colorful and fun to watch.  The explosions and other active graphics are equally good.  Nice representation of the bullets and missiles, also.

The best part of the graphics, however, are the enemy ships that are well crafted, colorful, fly all over, and come in a wide variety.

It also doesn't make me feel wonky for some reason the way some chase-view shooters can.  So, woo-hoo!


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