Saturday, November 5, 2011

Game of the Day - Spiders

Never even saw or heard of this game until yesterday.  It's obscure, weird, the controls are simple and it's VERY compelling.  You are trying to stave off incoming spiders (like Galaxian or Space Invaders).  They build creepy, kooky webs and come after you.  You shoot the spiders, the nests, the eggs, etc.  The longer you go, the bigger the web gets and the more crap you have to kill to clear the screen.  In subsequent rounds, they shoot Super Webs at you that are like missiles that can curve and chase you down.

The controls are simple, you move left/right and shoot.  You have three lives to lose before the game is over, BUT, if you let too many spiders get by you off the bottom of the screen, (you'll see a green line start to form across the bottom), the game is over.  The green line fills in some for each spider that you let get by, and when the line fills, the game is over REGARDLESS of how many lives you have left.  So you can't just dodge when they are coming down the screen, you have to shoot them.

Despite the fact that I was just looking for new games yesterday, I found myself playing Spiders over and over as the action is intense and the game is lots of fun.


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