Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Game of the Day - Steel Force

Steel Force is a great overhead maze shooter with an alien/sci-fi theme (shocker!).  You start of with limited amount of ammo and grenades and you have to get thru the maze (alive) in a predetermined amount of time.  Exits from each room are clearly indicated, but sometimes you want to go in other directions to garner goodies.  Goodies can be additional ammo, grenades, power-ups and other kinds of stuff to make your time as a galactic warrior a little easier.

The graphics are sharp, fun and colorful.  The screen is big (relatively speaking) - by that I mean that it is very zoomed in so that you only see a few rooms and a little bit of the maze at any one time.  There's no map, but again, there are plenty of exit signs pointing your way.  The action is constant - and that's what makes the game fun.  You have to blow up many doors (should I shoot it many times with my gun or use one of my precious grenades?) and while you are blasting the door, something is probably attacking you from the other side or off-screen.  At the end of each level, there is a mini-boss, which can be difficult to defeat in some cases, and pretty easy to defeat in others.  Gameplay is balanced and fun - you will feel like it is challenging enough, but you will also be able to play for a while without getting bored.


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