Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Game of the Day - Cybattler

Cybattler is a Vertomni Shooter.  It looks like a vert shooter and the screen scrolls like a vert shooter, but you can shoot in any (8) direction and you move like it's an omni shooter.  That combination makes the game somewhat unique.  The graphics are good (a little busy) and the controls are sharp.

Like other omni shooters, you can shoot in any direction - dictated by the direction you are facing.  However, if you hold down the fire button, it locks the fire in the current direction and you can move anywhere on the screen and still shoot that direction (very important at certain times).

Like many modern vert shooters, the two buttons are fire and sword (for close attacks).

Mostly, it's fun because the action is constant and the graphics keep it interesting.

Long live the Vertomni shooting genre.


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