Monday, November 21, 2011

Game of the Day - Squash

Squash, for those who were born after 1970, is a court game just like Racquetball.  Not sure when the last time I heard someone refer to playing Squash that wasn't in a Comedy Central movie.  Anyway, I'm always looking for good sports arcade games - and there aren't a great number of unknown ones.  Squash is exceedingly simple.  You play against an opponent (human or inhuman), serve, volley and run around the court to return the ball.  You have to hit it off the back wall but it can hit the other walls before or after as long as your return doesn't hit the floor before it hits the back wall (think tennis in 2.5 dimensions).  There are only two buttons, hard hit and soft hit.  What makes the game fun isn't the depth or strategy, but the well programmed satisfaction of chasing the ball around and slamming it off the back wall.  Nice physics and volleys.  You don't have to let the ball hit the ground before you return it, so some volleys really crank.

As far as quarter munching goes, the game has an interesting default setting.  Though the game is to 9, for each credit you only get to lose 5 points - and then you need to add credits to keep playing.  So, you can play indefinitely, and rise up the ranks on one credit if you never lose 5 points (cumulatively in all your games) - OR - you may lose the first five points and not even finish the first match without continuing.  This is in contrast to most games that give you a whole game to win or lose to determine if you continue and adds to the intrigue.

Simple and effective.


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