Ganryu is a nicely done, typical side-scrolling platformer, much in the style of Strider and all the other ninja games. Done in 1999, its polish and graphics are a step above most of the competition.
You choose from a couple of characters (I always choose the chick in these games) and off you go. The attack graphics are sweet and there are some little things they did that make the game XX fun. First, the jumping is good, quick and there is always something new to jump on. Wherever you land (at whatever height) there are ninjas to battle and you can constantly jump into and out of fights all over the place. Next, in addition to the typical attack and jump button, there is a third option... but it's not a bomb/super attack. It is a grappling claw. So sure, you can use it to attack and maul folks, but you can also use it Bionic Commando style to grab and swing around.

Of course, there are other power-ups and weapons and bosses, just as you'd expect. If you like platform/beat-'em-ups, it's hard to not enjoy Ganryu.
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