Monday, November 7, 2011

Game of the Day - NARC

NARC is ultra-violent in a RoboCop (the movie, not the game) sort of way.  You blast away drug dealers and other vile creatures and blood and body parts often go flying.  The details of the game are nice, you have a radar (a la Defender) and stats on your growing collection of ammo, rockets, drugs and money (the latter two are coughed up when you kill someone).  You can also make busts - which is when you capture someone without killing them.  All these things increase your bonus when you finish the round.  Later in the game, there are huge bosses that take some effort to defeat.  The graphics are okay (quasi photo-realistic dudes), but the sound and action are great.  You even get to use four buttons: Gun, Rocket, Jump and Crouch.  Crouch comes in handy when the dogs attack you.  I don't like shooting dogs even in games, but the cool touch here is that when you shoot the dogs, they turn into puppies and run away - Go ASPCA!

Other little things like the drug dealers shooting hypodermic needles at you that slow you down show that some thought was put into the game design.  Speaking of which, it was designed by Eugene Jarvis, the same guy who designed a couple of little known games named Defender and Robotron.


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