Wonder Planet is a Cute-em-up vert shooter with lots going on. Cartoonish graphics that look like Nintendo exploded over Bedrock are very enjoyable although sometimes make it a little hard to discern enemy fire.

You have two buttons, fire & bomb (Shocker!). The bomb has a fixed cross-hair so you know where it's landing - and this is very important. Wonder Planet has lots of stuff to collect and you do it by blowing ground targets up with bombs and collecting what it is they become upon being destroyed. Mostly they turn into money. Some targets say "Engine" or "Bomb" and other stuff... If you bomb these, they become entrances to shops that you fly into to upgrade your weapons. It's nicely done and there are a lot of power-ups to choose from that cost varying amounts.

And it's a good thing there are lots of power-ups, 'cause the game on the default settings is impossibly difficult. I can't get anywhere and therefore can't tell you much about bosses and later stages. The enemy fire is small and insidious. But the bigger issue is that I spend so much time watching and steering towards objects to bomb, that I don't keep enough track of incoming ships and fire. There are words on the upper right that light up as you achieve stuff, but I have yet to get any of it completed.
If you can do well at Wonder Planet, let me know what happens!
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