Saturday, November 12, 2011

Game of the Day - Us vs. Them

Us vs. Them is the most inadvertently funny game I've played that I actually enjoyed.  The game is a space type shooter with sort of a Space Harrier perspective but with quasi-photographic backgrounds.  You shoot everything in sight by moving flying all over, rolling left and right and blasting away.  The real humor here and I mean HYSTERICAL is the FMV cut scenes.  This was a laser disc game originally, and the cut scenes are absolutely classic.

As cheesy as they are, the action of the game (flying and shooting) is actually quite good and the game will keep your attention for a while.  Also, the unique look of the photo backgrounds make the game interesting and different to play.  If you play and it doesn't make you laugh, I'm sorry - you are clearly dead inside.


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